Source Code

Law-Enforcement Officer

What some Policemen call themselves to sound more professional, fancier, or somehow more important.
-Or because they're ashamed to be cops.

Denotes certain Federal-Agents, Fish & Wildlife Officers, Park-Rangers, Border-Patrol, and other such sworn & commissioned professionals who work in important fields of law-enforcement, but who are not necessarily traditional street-cops.

Also used by those Officers who do not want to thought of, or referred to, as Policemen.

Abbreviated as LEO (singular) or LEO's (plural).

"When a cop calls himself a Law-Enforcement Officer, it's like a garbage-man calling himself a Sanitation-Worker, or a clerk calling herself a Sales-Associate."

"Being a Policeman is an honorable-profession. Nothing is more vital to Public-Safety than the humble street-cop; Be proud of who you are, and of what you do."

by goodcop8 November 24, 2007

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step into my office

go somewhere private to do drugs with me, especially drugs that are snorted

Uhh, there are a lot of people at this party, maybe we should step into my office.

by zachwolff October 15, 2003

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Tooth Paste Officer

An officer who pulls people over and puts toothpaste on his dick. usually gets blowjobs by doing that.

I blew the Tooth Paste Officer today

by Daft guy March 2, 2012

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offical tissue

offical tissue being honest with a person to the best of your ability without beating around the bush

Jhonny better have my money today and thats Offical Tissue dog.

by jameson r wilford-lewis February 13, 2008

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TRC Officer

A very, "sophisticated" kind of ROBLOX law enforcement. They go around the city and **TRY** to be realistic. You must have 24 hours to become a middle ranked TRC officer, because the HCs think we actually have time to play Remmington all week. Funny. They are called abusive, and idiotic, by most.

A TRC Officer was abusing Arevoir, the Secretary of Commerce!

by Basic_Robloxian_Terms February 10, 2017

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Office Blood Pressure

An irregular blood pressure, usually found in highly nervous people, when they visit the doctor, or have an important appointment. The blood pressure turns normal, when they leave the office, or difficult situation, but it might rise again, by the slightest irritation, or excitement.

To have a very sensitive blood pressure.

by Ravenheart May 9, 2005

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White Police Officer

When said, people usually use it when talking about how a white police officer has killed yet another black man/woman because of their lack of melanin.

That white police officer is looking over here. Go 20 mph below the speed limit. You don't want to die

by Bitch, bitch, you're a dick March 19, 2017

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