this divine human being walks around on three legs, one bolock, the other bolock and his gargantuas girthy huge dick.
wow is that jay jiggle-son his dick is fucking huge.
a small man with a very senisitive soul and a very cracky voice and a redarded mind.
you will be suprised when you find out that ryan the husky son tapes crocs to redarded cats.
A meme that usually is referring to a spider on a green screen throwing a smaller spider while yelling “the kid is not my son.”
Large spider: But the kid is not my son
Baby spider: ig I’m dead
The off spring of a horrible individual
V., When something bad happens that you can't help.
I hit my finger with the hammer, son of a bing bang.
He mad me so mad, son of a bing bang
The moment your father realizes you suck at sports, and probably will tell you later go get some pussy, be a man.
sit it out son
Go get some pussy, your dicks gonna grow, I'll test you on the field in 3 days.
An expletive phrase used by Depression-era Arkansas-hillbilly grandmothers to express situational frustration.
Thar's bees in the wellhouse again! Son of a bitchin outfit!
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