When a ladies vagina opens and closes repeatedly as if it was winking at you
Look at her one-eyed cunt !
When you're floating down the lazy river at a Kalahari Resort and you stick your big toe in the vagina of the lady floating behind you.
Brandon, you won't believe it, I gave Jordan the Kalahari Cunt Kick on our senior class trip a decade ago.
When someone slithers in and is cunty without reason.
Sandra Dee was such a cunt snake during that meeting today.
Another word for whipped, but more vulgar to add emphasis that the man will bow down to his date's, Girl Friend, or wife's feet. Even for the most trivial thing.
Girl- "Blaze, could you walk to the car and get me a bottle water?"
Blaze friends- "You do realize we parked a mile down the road right?"
Girl- "But I want water"
Blaze- (Started walking before anyone said anything)
Blaze Friends- "what a cunt to face"
Would define when something is just not right, but yet nothing can be done because of judicial rights and the very stupid people who stand and attest this. Slang word a little by there.
When working for, and servicing the public, BENDING OVER backwards to appease every need and yet gaining NO monetary substance does not cut it. The mere thank you will not cut it--nasty non-ass-wiping, or NON- HAND washing people should consider that some have to work for these conditions with NO DISABILITIES hence this is BLOWING CUNTS
Noun: a type of human outburst by an individual that involves two distinct factors of behavior in one episode. The episode is a reaction to a situation or verbal confrontation. The two factors of behavior are 1 being a cunt and 2. A roid rage
This outburst can be from a man or woman.
The outburst will typically include profanity, loud yelling, ugly facial expressions, smirking, winking, lying, faking of being inflicted with harm, showing of fear and terror for no apparent reason, and an inability to think or express rational thought and conversation.
The person throwin off such an episode is typically at or near the peak of their steroid cycle.
Judy: What the fuck is Angela’s Problem? She just got done fucking Rodney and now she is throwing plates and food and chairs all over the house.
Barb: She’s having a cunt roid rage. Shes nearing peak cycle and she hasnt had enough fat cock. Rodney has grissle dick and cant keep it up.
Jason had a cunt roid rage because he didnt like the pasta sauce and the service was slow. He started mouthing off to the waiter and manager, knocked the dishes off the table and then he peed in the lobby fish tank.
The whole existence of richard pitt
RIchard pitt is a complete cunt