Adrian is the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. He has curly brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and loves soccer. He’s really funny and outgoing, you’ll never laugh around anyone else as much as you laugh around him. He has a lot of friends but keeps the real ones close. Even though he might seem like a player, his heart belongs to one girl and her only (her name is gabi) If you ever meet an Adrian, don’t ever lose him.
Person 1: “Adrian is such a glazer bro”
Person 2: “Yeah he won’t shut up about Gabi”
When you have been urinated on in the face
Adrian is a such a dirty c*unt the other day he got Adrianed in the face
When the number of alcoholic drinks you're about to consume has been doubled on the way out?
Person1: See you for pool later? Person2: Yeah sure. Hours later. Person1: what happened? Person2: I got adrianed.