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Donald Trump

Toxic substance. Synonymous with rat poison only in the vein of democracy,

The Republican Party decided to destroy democracy so they used Donald Trump, an orange toxic, blobby, sludge to effectively kill it off.

by Liebe January 8, 2022

2👍 73👎

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was one of the best presidents the United States has ever seen. He helped the economy, many black lives, he helped protect the country, and he was a motherfucking badass while doing it. I would gladly hang out with Donald Trump if I was so lucky. He’ll be back to beat y’all for the third time, too :)

Wow, Donald Trump was the best president of you ask me!

by redneck658 March 22, 2021

75👍 4👎

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was one of the best presidents the United States has ever seen. He helped the economy, many black lives, he helped protect the country, and was a motherfucking badass while doing it. I would gladly hang out with Donald every day if I was so lucky. He will also beat y’all for the third time :)

Wow, Donald Trump is the best President if you as me!

by redneck658 March 22, 2021

72👍 5👎

Donald Trump

To refuse defeat and stubbornly claim you were cheated, or someone stole your victory, or that everything and everyone was against you. In other words, a very sore loser.

Man, that guys is making a total Donald Trump right now. Just how deluded is he?

by TheIdiotTyper December 2, 2020

3👍 71👎

Donald Trump

Donald J Trump is an amazing president who has done so much for America y’all say he’s an orange demon or he’s a homophobic or racist witch he isn’t if y’all did research you would know but your little snow flakes who cancel a kids show, children’s books, a toy potato, maple syrup and so on wtf is wrong with this generation y’all will regret voting Biden he’s already bombed Syria good luck we warned y’all~ trump 2024

Wow Donald Trump is a great president

by DEERMULLETARMY2020 March 10, 2021

68👍 6👎

Donald Trump

The man who made all Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians look like racist idiotic assholes. He's an absolute disgrace to us. He is not a real conservative, he doesn't love America, he's just doing this for publicity. It absolutely pisses me off when he does all his BS in the name of "God". Stop using the name of the lord in vain, you're a terrible person. He's better than democrats, but still a disgrace. He forever scarred the political right.

Fuck Donald Trump

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 14, 2020

3👍 72👎

Donald Trump

An orange, child rapist, sexist, misogynistic and racist pussy, who banned an app before banning KKK or guns in his country because gen Z was bullying him like everyone should

Girls with a brain: mum, dad, I have a penis

by HighschoolfuckingBOOLIES August 2, 2020

2👍 72👎