What women say to cover up being a whore.
(Usually on social media, posting other people's quotes, trying to sound philosophical)
Person one: What's this nonsense coming out of her mouth?
Person two: That's whore's speak.
Someone not speaking the gay language
Sorry, I don't speak gay.
"I speak American Born Chinese." As in, my Chinese sucks but I speak English because I was born in the states.
Person A: "(something in Mandarin)"
Person B: "oh, my Chinese sucks."
Person A: "oh, that's okay. I speak ABC!"
when you should be speaking to your girlfriend but your off playing cod with your idiot mates
another way of being a DICK
His mates - dude lets play cod!
boyfriend - i should be speaking to my girlfriend but sure!
His mates - fuck her man, bros before hoes
boyfriend - ehhhh ken