When a guy is looking at several "candidate" girls as his potential girlfriend(vise versa), he as several"fishes in his pan"
- Are you dating someone?
- I have several fishes in the pan.
A dead pan man is as dead as tin. Dead meat as a pot on a stove. He never gets it and always forgets the details.
Dead pan man please understand you never follow the rules. Cause if you keep breaking them you won’t have a second chance!
Pedo Pan was a very honourable person but soon hit the friendzone.
R.I.P Pedo Pan 2017
'OMG, Pedo Pan has just been friendzoned!'
Seasoned pussy (season it with anything) that’s put in a pan, cooked, then ready to eat.
Tyrone: you tryn’ get some panned punani gang?
Jamal: bet.
A paradigm in which prime cavitations are spaced uniformly-enough on a discrete surface to create an electromagnetic force.
The prime numbers are placed evenly enough to make the discrete surface frictionless.
Pan-metric idealism suggests a surface-area in which uncountable prime-cavitations are spaced ideally so as to create a frictionless plane.
The spinning that creates this frictionless plane also creates the electromagnetic force.
1. When you are having sexual relations with a member of the same or opposite sex and you ejaculate on their ass and slap it, on the ejaculate, when you are done.
2. Buttering someone's pan is slapping their ass after you cum on it.
"I was going to be a gentleman and take her to brunch after that drunken one night stand but I ended up buttering the pan instead."
"Dude, you buttered her pan!? I hope you washed your hand before making those cookies!"
An overpowered cast iron pan that can block .338 lapua in game, yet in real life, can’t stop a .45 ACP
Jay: Dude how did you not die?
Bryan: The guy hit the pan
Jay: The PUBG pan is OP