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Your Mom

The ultimate insult of ones mother... It is played carefully into a trap, also used as an anti-dis to the persons you are speaking to. Your mom can be used in such ways listed as examples in Italics.

Almost any string of sentance can relate to a "Your mom" based statement, or insult.

Knock, knock, Whos there? Your mom

And now for the grand finale! Your moms a grand finale...

Guess what? What? YOUR MOM!

Whats the difference between pig shit and an antelope? I dont know... what? Your mom

Who's that hot looking chick over there? Your mom

Guy over there: ?
Some Kid: YOUR MOM!
Guy over there: My mom? MY MOM!?!?!? NO SON, YOUR MOM!!!!!!!

by Ghesh August 2, 2006

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your sus

Iโ€™m not sus you are

Your sus

by The mowy May 27, 2021

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your irrelevant

incorrect way to spell "You're irrelevant"
Learn english, faggots.

A Facebook Status
Jasmaray: Your irrelevant .
Brandi: *You're
Jasmaray: My status exactly .
Brandi: She spelt it wrong, so your irrelevant makes zero sense, therefore you can't use it against me.

by What_ September 16, 2013

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your name

Yup, you searched your name and this popped up. How ya like that?

Wow your name is existent

Wow yeah

by Spider Fan November 23, 2019

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your mom

A really lame insult, that if used correctly, can be hilarious. Other wise, it is just stupid.

Good Example:
Person 1: Hey Joe, did you hear we are doing your mom in English?
Person 2: Leave my mom out of this, and I'll leave this (points to dick) out of your mom

Bad Example:
Person 1: Hey Joe, can you get me a coke?
Person 2: Your mom

by they see me rollin March 21, 2009

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Your Face

An insult used for humor or annoyance. When one calls someone and yells "Your Face", then hangs up immediately.

Bill: Hello?
Jack: YOUR FACE! *click*

by C_Reed August 30, 2011

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Your Kitty

Your kitty means pussy or vagina

Guy: Ay lemme see your kitty
Girl: ight here

by La clica: LA ALMA PRRO January 31, 2019

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