Everything was fine until I went downtown and got a face full of curtain pudding!
a curtain or blanket used to give privacy while in close quarters with other people. In most cases Military barracks, navy boats or any other situation where you dont get much alone time.
Billy has been behind his spagurkin curtain for hours
Someone who puts ice cream inside a crusty mudflap (look it up) and licks it. And sometimes discharge gets mixed in.
Guy 1: Yo, dude, I had fun stuffing the meat curtain last night!
Guy 2: Wow.. ? What flavor ice cream was it?
Guy 1: Tropical Banana
*Kool Aid Dude walks in*
When tweakers are looking out the window
Darcy was so tweaked out of her mind she couldn't stop curtain twitching
When your stomach is so fat it hangs over you groin
The last time I saw my penis was in my teens due to my fat curtain
The rock above and below a volcanic sills
The curtain rocks were made of quartz, while the sill was made of obsidian