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driving the bus

Being in charge of a project or planned activity, whether work related or not.

WORK: “We need to all be on the same page with this project, so we need a good outline and a game plan.”
“What are you expecting me to do? You’re driving the bus!”

FREE TIME:“Hey, when are we meeting at the theater and which movie are we seeing?”
“Shoot, man, ask John. He’s driving the bus.”

by Nurse Kitten August 31, 2005

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Cool to Drive

1. To be sober/clean, therefore able to operate motorized vehicles safely
2. To agree with someone's thought/idea

1. I haven't had a drink today, I'm cool to drive
2. I like ice cream. Jimmy hates ice cream. He's not cool to drive

by nizzero yo February 18, 2010

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Driving Smack

"Driving Smack" is similar to "Talking Smack". It is a way for weaker or more timid individuals to "Talk Smack" without having to leave the safety of their vehicle.

"Driving Smack" is carried out in a number of ways, and is always being improved upon by those who are particularly non-confrontational.

Usually it is accomplished when the weak individual is driving a large and/or very loud vehicle (see Yucaipa) and, upon passing by the person whom he dislikes, hits the accelerator which causes the vehicle to lurch forward abnormally and produce a loud "BRAAAAP" thereby striking fear into the intended victims heart and soul. Extra points can be had if the tires lose traction and make "screeching" sounds.

This can be done daily with very little measurable loss in effectiveness.

*Motorcycles can be used also, however this would then be referred to as "Riding Smack", and is usually associated more with "attention whoring" than actual attempts to intimidate. Perhaps in lieu of masculinity the rider will wear flashy outfits and novel helmet modifications.

A: Look at this dork in the 4x4

B: .....BRAAAAAP!!....brap..

A: Gee maybe we should get the heck out of this city before he comes back and hurts us. BAHAHAAA! Another punk driving smack.

by 0per November 10, 2011

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Drive-by Douch

Inverse Drive-by Douche:

1. The regular drive-by douche is to yell out inappropriate, and sometimes nonsensical words or sentence or sounds that have no effect on the pedestrian, but the inverse would be to drive by and yell out intellectual/inspirational/philosophical things such as quotes or ideas.

Me: dude, let's drive-by douche!

Ron: how?
Me: let's yell: “electrons are waves AND particles!”

Believe in yourself!!”

“Pain is temporary, victory is forever!”

“Society is a manifestation of individuals collectively trying to be individuals but pathetically resulting in just being all the same”

by Mo-ez June 12, 2010

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Drive by egging

The act of driving by a house with jumbo eggs, stopping and quickly throwing the eggs from the window at the house and speeding away. Oftenly done when the 50 is around and not enough time to get out of the car to properly egg the house or in pussy mode.

brina:"you up to stealing your moms mini van again and egg dougies house tonight?"
aj:"nah the 50 is everywhere tonight"
chubby bunny:"one word: drive by egging"

by ilovenewport54 March 24, 2011

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Driving buzz

The 2-4 drink baseline buzz required for exceptionally good highway and residential driving.

Ex-wife: Hurry up or we'll be late for our son's funeral!

Ex-husband: Then we're gonna be late because I don't have my driving buzz yet.

by Joe Everyman June 21, 2010

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Ocean drive

ocean drive located in south beach

“Catch me out on ocean drive with her”- just another interlude by Bryson Tiller

by Cheesey Dude 22 January 3, 2019

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