Source Code


This is a code name for whoever you like...

y/n: STFU- oh wait um hi
y/n's liked person: πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ um hi *relizes they were called basket 😲*

by Gushsvdgdhjdjcjcjcjcjjc October 27, 2022


The metal frame that holds all the components of a subwoofer together. The basket's rigidity and resistance to resonance help determine the sub's sound quality.
The metal frame that holds all the components of a subwoofer together. The basket's rigidity and resistance to resonance help determine the sub's sound quality.

The speaker basket doesn’t fit .

by HAPON_ITO808 November 15, 2023


a place where you cam hide from your sister that is chasing you with a knife😘😘😘


by seth?! March 14, 2022

Hot Basket

When your friend passes out and you tea-bag him with your taint.

Simon passed out on the couch and I totally gave him a hot basket.

by graficViolence August 11, 2018

L Basket

An individual so devoid of personality, fun, or joy that they feel the need to shit on everyones funtime.

A basement dwelling mommies boy, girl, ze, zir, zim, (whatever youre into) who strokes themselves harder than MJ ballin. This is due to there misplaced belief that they are superior in everyway to you and I.

L baskets are angry, sad, lonely and often lash out at anything fun in order to feel better about themselves.

L Basket: Videogames hahaha so cool so fun!

Yo relax there L Basket keep being sad and alone. Let that lonely DNA spew into those lonely hands of yours. Hold them L's

by Shak 12 April 13, 2023

Bisque Basket

a large gift basket thats full of assorted biscuits and bread including corn bread, scones, Irish soda bread, sweet bread, white bread, potato bread, etc.. It is used for gift giving such as birthdays and holidays and sometimes when your just feeling down.

"What did you get Marge for Christmas?", "I got her this nice Bisque Basket off of Amazon".

by Humphrey Humbert December 16, 2017

Yogurt Basket

When a group of guys cum in someone's ass.

We gave that bitch a yogurt basket.

by Skimlog August 14, 2017