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a person who voluntarily provide money and chat messages through online methods to beautiful girls in hope of getting the fruit but profusely disagreeing with other people confronting him of his action and would non-hesitantly ban people that bad mouth the girl.

ew is this a simp? God would have make another bang if he sees this.

by dan132 August 9, 2020


Tell me what's makin' you jump like that
S-I-M-P, squirrels in my pants
Ain't got no chickens, ain't got no rats
S-I-M-P, squirrels in my pants
S to the I to the M to the P
Then maybe you can be movin' like me
Step right over and watch me put it down
(Squirrels, squirrels) S to the I to M to the P
Step right over and watch me put it
S to the I to M to the P

the lyrics were too long

Person A : Why are you moving like that

by V3ND0R V3N April 7, 2022


(Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy) A SIMP is a person who gives themselves up for a person they like. Usually a cute guy for girls or a gamer girl for guys

Guy on Twitch: *Donates $50 to Pokimane*
The entire chat: SIMP! SIMP!

by BigPpManUnderscoreSixtyNine August 16, 2020


Basically every raging male Twitchโ„ข streamer.

"Why are simps all over Twitchโ„ข?"

by Mr. MisterManboy March 14, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone is in their feelings or simply reminiscing a time, place, or person, that causes them to fall into a sad mood.

Maria: Why are you always playing sad music?
Alex: Shut up! Iโ€™m simping.

by Tsxluv.simp March 6, 2018

339๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.

A simp is someone who will stop at nothing to get someone else to be with them. This guy, gal, or non-binary pal will do everything in their power to impress the other person and show themselves off. Sometimes, the person who is simping will be so obsessed with the other person that they will start to follow them around and BECOME that other person.

Thus, simping means that that the person is actively being a simp.

Edward was simping so hard for Pam, he took off his shirt in math class to show her how jacked he was.

J: Hey, where is Edward?
K: He is probably outside Pam's house simping.

by Stuffy UH March 3, 2020

176๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


Things that guys do to get attention for females and make them happy 4 no reason

Jeff became a simp the day he bought sara PS5 and hardly no each other

by EUGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! October 8, 2020

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž