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mr. macphisto

Mr. MacPhisto is one of Bono's (the lead singer of U2) alter-egos.
MachPhisto, portrayed at the Devil, is a washed up rock star, trying to give himself a dignified end in Vegas.
He is The Fly, after the evil of The Fly (his megalomania, self obsession, lust for power) has turned into a want of money and legacy.

Why Bono chose to become this character is confusing at best, but Mr. Machphisto did not continue after the end of the Zooropa tour.

Money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money...
Fever... getting higher.

by Conan Reich August 15, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Quiggles

Another name for a hermaphrodite that frequently masturbates anally and pets V-Bears in him/her spare time.

Honey is that a guy or girl, no it is a Mr. Quiggles.

by crosk November 28, 2011

165๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

mr. woolums

A dickhead that gives you a lot of homework

Hey you are acting like mr. Woolums

by The cockinator March 30, 2015

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr Doran

Mr Doran is a fabulous guy who always puts a smile on peoples faces. He is so lovely and sweet!

"Have you met Mr Doran?"
"OMG! Yes, he's the lovely one right?!"

by craicaddict March 15, 2022

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Mr Darby

An angry small science teacher that smiles even though he's furious. He turn into a goblin at will under the spell of the full moon

"Oh my god gina Mr Darby was bashing our table with his metre ruler"
"I wouldn't be surprised. I swear I saw him turn into a goblin yesterday and cackled"

by JappyUnicorn January 5, 2018

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Mr. kerr

A French teacher that is sexually attracted to under age students and usually gets mad at 2 kids named Nathan and Nolan

Mr. Kerr is a pedo

by Ok_4114 February 22, 2019

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Mr Pounder

A man who has rough sex with a female in which he is pounding on her.

Wow, you fucked me so good, now your my "Mr Pounder".

by James Pounder December 3, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž