Source Code


A long time ago, a kid asked another kid that was crazy about pokemon if he liked mudkips. The kid answered with very bad grammar and very enthusiasticly that he loved them. The first person asked if he would f*** one and before he said "if you were a mudkip" the kid agreed in the affirmative. The first kid said that he happened to have a mudkip doll with him and when he pulled it out, the mudkip lover had whipped off his pants and was on the ground actually f***ing it.

Not to get between a man and his mudkipz, the guy stepped away while a crowd began to form around the strange boy. (The following is what is believed to happen) A girl tried to take the doll, the insane boy bit her. Naturally this pissed off her football-captain esque boyfriend who gathered some of his buddies and beat the living s*** out of the kid. (The following is confirmed)

When a teacher came, the students were sent to their classrooms. Eventually, there was an announcement over the loudspeaker that requested the football team members to come forward and also an individual who had thrown a flaming plush mudkip doll into the library. Over the loudspeaker came the voice of a woman later identified as the weird boy's mother screaming "You little motherfuckers, I'll sue!" But was quickly shut down.

So I ask you, do you leik mudkipz?

Person 1: Do u leik mudkipz???
Person 2: ... *Punch*

by Garrett Miles February 4, 2008

2567๐Ÿ‘ 545๐Ÿ‘Ž


mudkipz is comonly used in a story about a mentally chalanged teenage boy who had an obsession about pokemon. long story short one of the jocks at his school cons him into having sex with a mudkip doll, whick in turn caused the school to go to total hell.

So.... I hear you liek Mudkipz

by anonamousjuggaloprince February 26, 2009

335๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


A misspelling of mudkips which is often blurted out (usually in the context of "so i herd u liek mudkipz," but also occasionally by itself) randomly for no apparent reason on Internet message boards.

Also known as mudkrap.

Poster #1: Hey, when is Smash Bros. Brawl coming out?
Poster #2: I dunno, I think it's in early December.
Poster #3: so i herd u liek mudkipz!? LOLOLOL me am st00pid

by Alberto Alfredo von Poodmu September 19, 2007

739๐Ÿ‘ 578๐Ÿ‘Ž


A thing i herd u liek

so i herd u liek mudkipz

by pupseal August 17, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An internet spelling of Mudkips, Mudkipz are blue water type pokemon that have been part of the internet meme "so i herd u liek mudkipz!" for a while.

"so i herd u liek Mudkips"
person 1: "Watcha been up to?"
person 2: "lieking Mudkipz and stuff."

by T-T-T-Turbo l33t January 11, 2010

114๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A collectable and tradable currency for sex.

The current going rate is 7 Mudkipz for 1 sexytime.

"Collect your Mudkipz"

by Reado January 17, 2008

461๐Ÿ‘ 539๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ukrainian children used for labor.

"Give me some Mudkipz, I have to make shoes."

by veggieisbomb May 8, 2009

267๐Ÿ‘ 310๐Ÿ‘Ž