A new term for an increased level of self importance
Are you Louis XIV and suffering from a case of head growth hormones?
Hormone blockers, also known in some contexts as puberty blockers, are used by transsexuals to block various sex hormones. For instance spironolactone, a diuretic, is often prescribed to male-to-female transgender persons to block androgens or male hormones.
A hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimen usually consists of at least two prescription drugs: hormone blockers to block the original hormones, plus a new, replacement hormone in the desired gender. For instance, an M2F transgender patient may be given spironolactone to block male hormones (androgens, testosterone) plus a female hormone such as estrogen (Premarin, a drug made from pregnant mares' urine, for example).
Once the original genitals (testicles or ovaries) are removed, the blocker is discontinued, leaving just the hormone replacement.
A fun game best played on hormonal teenagers or pregnant women. The basic gameplay is to insult someone whilst hormonal and then try either to resolve the situation or make it as humerous as possible. Best played on {emos} {goths} or other depressive denominations/cults.
A Normal Game Of Hormonal Rodeo
Player 1: Oh, hey Debbie, how're you?
Mark: Oh hey Steve, I'm not feeling to well, I'm on my period and Bobby Bryar quit MCR!
Player 1: (Finds his oppurtunity) Did you know you look really quite fat in that dress? Oh yeah, you should totally eat less. And that dress is really ugly. And I saw those cuts on your arm, real pathetic.
Mark: Why would you SAY such a thing?
Player 1: Nothing, I was just commenting on the scenery....
A person, generally male, who preys on younger girls with an external intent of love and caring but with the hidden motive of sex. This person generally doesn't understand the feelings of females and when tries to comprehend may need to dump the girl, or perform a sexual act with another girl to rebuild his self-esteem
Girl 1: Hey I got with this guy the other day, he's so sweet and caring.
Girl 2: If I were you, I'd dump him right now, everyone knows he's a retarded-hormonal-monkey!
Max: Idk why but I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships recently
Ryan: same
Max: I’m gonna choose to blame it on hormones tho
Ryan: ya hormones are rats
A hormone is the sound a working girl makes when she's getting her cookies (orgasm from a man.)
You should have heard that hormone when I gave her an orgasm.
If you guys want to hear a hormone,find her clit, or her g-spot.
I could hear a hormone, when I walked in on my sister and her boyfriend.
My neighbor must be a great lover, I can tell from the hormone.