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pull an Al Capone

1) To forget to or be unable to pay your taxes.

2) To commit tax evasion.

CIAGuy1: Man, I can't believe that guy pulled an Al Capone on us again! This is the third year in a row!
CIAGuy2: From what I can tell, the guy doesn't make a lot of money. I wouldn't blame it on him.

CIAGuy1: That scoundrel is always getting away with tax evasion!
CIAGuy2: I know. He's always able to pull an Al Capone on us.

by the fresh king of bel air June 23, 2023

Al Capone

Al Capone is the most famous and known mafia boss. He was in Chicago, the years this went on were the infamous 1920s, he was born in 1899 and died in early 1947, of a stroke and pneumonia. He was very big in the spot light every cop to politician, dream was to catch him he was known all over america even known by people who don't know stuff about gangs. His full name was Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Al Capone was in the mob.

by The typer of computer 69696996 January 29, 2022

Al Capone

A person who simply gets a warning because someone reported their post on Social Media for creating offensive content while the person who shares the content gets his account suspended.

Based on Al Capone who was accused of racketeering but never convicted. He was arrested on trumped up charges of tax evasion.

First Person: I thought you were in facebook jail after that thing you posted
Second Person: No. they deleted it and let me off with a warning.

First Person: What? I shared it and now I'm not allowed to post for 3 days, you like the Al Capone of Facebook

by Cheatmaster786 February 10, 2020

Gavin Capone

a big thicc boi

wow Gavin Capone is so hot he is a big thicc boi

by sophreeds February 4, 2020


New York gangmember

Capone the last Real one left

by OooGeee October 2, 2020


To get kicked out of a group on social media, usually a chat room or discord channel. Usually done when a social media public figure is trying to gatekeep their viewers.

Social Media User: Hey, I haven't seen Mary in Sam's chat for a while now. What happened?
Friend: Oh, yeah, she got caponed and totally blocked from the chat because she thought Anna Nikol was cool.

by Foodie Tuti August 18, 2023


CAPON {KAY - PON}: Slang term reference the status of a costumed super hero when in uniform and on duty

Yes Commissioner, Batman's current status is CAPON. He's currently enroute to Arkham to deal with the situation.

by Androlian February 16, 2014