The feeling one gets a day or so after over exerting themselves playing the Nintendo Wii.
I overdid it last night playing Wii-fit, today it's all about the ow-wii in my abs!
i owe therefore i must work ( pay bank, pay US tax ) what a drag
i owe, i owe, so off to work i go, with a bottle of beer & kick in the rear, i owe, i owe........
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When you are in really bad pain.
Whan you cant explain why but you should probably get help.
A common phrase when you stub your toe. Usually against stairs, table legs or chair legs. Very frequently this phrase is yelled louder than the eruption of Krakatoa.
Person 1 stubs his toe.
Person 1: OW FUCK!!!
Person 2: You just ruptured my ear drums!
Other Woman / Other Man
Used to describe romance fiction. Describes a story arc where an other woman / other man threatens the happily ever after ending to the romance of protagonists.
There is no OW/OM in this book.
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Outside. Outdoors. As in, not inside.
Sho, Brunie be nuthin' buh dam mower meat, buh leece he be ow-sy, bro.
(Sure, Brunie is nothing more than an unskilled lawn maintenance worker, but at least he gets to work outside, my friend.)
giving oral sex while playing World of Warcraft (WOW)
She W=OW'd him and his flaming arrows went everywhere.
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