Source Code

Smash or pass

Smash or pass is a game where "smash" stands for "yes, I would sleep with them, have sex, if I had I chance" and "pass" is for "no, I rather not sleep with then, have sex if I had a chance". It is often used as an comment, especially smash when someone hot walks by

"Tina? Smash or pass"
"SMASSHH, dude, did you see how hot is she"

by aleksaizdaleka June 2, 2020

180๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pass The J

When enjoying a marijuana cigarette with friends, and you're patiently waiting for it to be passed over to you.

Come on Matt, you've already had like 3 hits! Pass the J brother!

by FuckTheJuice November 15, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Online Pass

A virus that began around 2007 that is spreading among the video game industry, requiring customers to activate a one time pass that is included with new copies. These typically cost about $10. Companies like Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment, Ubisoft, Sony and Electronic Arts are exploiting this to the fullest extent. There is no justified reason for this. EA would respond by saying "We don't make profit off of used game sales and we're trying to capitalize on it". If I could buy a used copy of a game in 2000 and have the same features as a new copy, then why isn't it the same now? Well how about people that can't afford new copies? People who rent games get screwed over to. I am still purchasing your product and enjoying it the same amount I would if I purchased it new. The only difference is I save a few dollars but get a butt ugly case and a scratched disc. They're making a bad name for the video game industry and bringing it to the ground. They're just money hungry bastards that don't care about their customers.

I bought Dead Space 2 and I wanted to play online but I can't because I bought it used and now I have to pay for a overpriced Online Pass. Screw you EA! You have enough money!

by YellowLemonFish October 13, 2011

44๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

shawty pass

an identification card stating that this female is a certified shawty. (can also be called a "baddie" pass)

That girl and her friends all have shawty passes, they are definitely the baddest of baddies.

by tampaxxes May 28, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

incomplete pass

The male falling asleep during intercourse in the missionary position. Usually occurs after a night of drinking.

I almost suffocated when my boyfriend threw me an incomplete pass.

by E.D. April 26, 2006

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poke pass

A pass given to a husband from their wife, usually for their birthday or Valentine's day, that allows them to request sexual favors regardless of the wife's mood.

Tom: "Hey Bill! How are you and the wife getting along lately?"
Bill: "Not so good. I had to cash in my poke pass last night..."
Tom: "Dang man, I used mine last week after a huge fight."

by Baker Lucas April 18, 2022

Pass away

A slang unique to Singaporeans. It means being finished, wrecked or defeated.

Officer: Gentlemen, FBO in 3 minutes. We are going for a 32km route march. Hurry up!

Soldier: Wahlao eh, pass away la!

by deepsdog February 3, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž