Parting the red sea could mean several things, but the definition that people seem to use the most refers to when someone eats out a girl while she's on her period
*Talking about parting the Red Sea* @Iris:This feels like code for 🍽️ a girl 0ut when she’s on her 🩸
Spreading of the anus by means of both hands, placed wrist deep inside and forced outwards horizontally. Synonyms include "Black Holing", "Deep Sea Diving", "Opening the Saloon", "The Jaws of Life", or "Swimming the Chocolate River".
"Call me Moses the way I'm parting the Red Sea."
Diving the red sea is when you go down on a girl while she is on her period. That is all!
My god, been left jam-faced after diving the red sea with my girlfriend last night.
When a stray pubic hair crosses over a man’s urethra causing the stream of urine that's coming out to be divided in two.
The name originates from the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible.
Wife: Why is there piss all over the bathroom floor?
Husband: Sorry Love, It seems I had a Red Sea Wee.
Wife: Yeah, well get moppin’ Moses.
The act of having sex with a women when she is on her period. This primarily involves people who are very horny and/or drunk.
Brice- "Dude, I got so stoned and was partying the red sea all night."
Noah- "Same dude. I was there. There was SOO MUCH BLOOD!"
Zoë- "Yea there was.... sorry bout that..."
Noah- *shutters*
Having sex with a woman on her period in a tub full of water
I was fuckin my Ol’lady in the tub last night when all of a sudden she started her period and turned the bath water into the red sea
Intercourse during her period
Yo Bobby, have you got your Red Sea badge? I got mine the other night after getting my red wings..