independent clause. Describes uncomfy feelings such as being out of salsa or being shot at, no in between.
To tell someone off.
*Bang bang* "Ay! A la verga! Vámonos! "
"Man, get out of here. Vete a la verga! "
Verga is a word in the lenguage known as "Mexican" which can mean, "dick", "oof", "F", "penis", and other things. This word is from the family of the word "vergazo" which means "big ouch" or "big hurt". The words "vete a la verga" are also part of this family of words which means "go to hell" or can also mean "f*uck you". "Me vale verga" is also part of this big family of words which means "I don't give a f*ck"
Justin have a masive "verga".
Amanda just gave Justin a "vergazo".
You know what Amanda? "Vete a la verga".
"Me vale verga" Justin.
This word is used by many Central Americans, Latino Americans and Mexican Americans.
This is the Salvadorean way of using it:
1. It usually is the vulgar word for penis
2. it can mean to tell someone to fuck off can mean something cool like shoes
3b. that you are the boss
4a.It can mean that you hurt yourself
4b. you are going to hit/beat them up. Examples
1. Ese hombre tiene una verga grande
2. Vete a la verga
3a. Esos zapatos están bien vergon
3b El Juan es la mera verga
4. Ay! Me di un gran vergazo en la rodilla
4b si estos niños no se calman les voy a montar verga a cada uno!!!
1. The spanish word for penis, particularly smelly.
"hey... Did you smell Molinar smelled like he sucked some verga before he came over."
Mexican slang.
The literal translation means: Go to the dick.
The actual meaning can vary:
1. Fuck off.
2. Go to hell.
3. Give me space.
4. Scoot/move over.
5. Can’t be true.
6. Go away.
7. Become absent.
8. Become voluntarily absent.
9. Turn around.
10. Don’t come here (anymore).
*a group of loud boisterous half butt naked American tourists enter a family restaurant in a Mexican beach on spring break*
How much for the tacos?
Haste a la verga…
North Mexican slang.
In a literal sense it suggests that you’re going to be carried by the dick.
The pc/kid friendly version is te va cargar el payaso, which means you’re going to be carried by the clown.
Both meanings suggest someone’s going to catch a beating, be taken by the waves in a sense or basically to say: You’re dead.
Bro, I just saw your wife blowing Donald Trump.
Tell him: Te va cargar la verga.
You know I can’t do that, he’s the former president of the USA.
Any person with this last name is your automatic lover! But others might think not. He/she might be your worst nightmare. They might be the last thing you see before you die.
Damn that Rodriguez verga kid is so beautiful! But he scares me...