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high school hero

A creepy , sexually frustrated, middle-aged loser who cant stop talking about stuff he did in high school. Typically these are people who's lives peaked between the ages of 16 and 18 and have failed miserably in the real world: As a result they work menial dead end jobs and are consumed by seething bitterness over the fact that their high school social status got them no where in the real world. They also suffer from jealousy & anger issues caused by years of seeing the kids they used to pick on have more success than them in life. The most pathetic High School Heros are washed up former jocks who lurk around online pro sports message boards/comment threads. These losers can be spotted by a.) their tendency to use douchey screen names that incorporate their old HS nicknames/numbers b.) their willingness to jam irrelevant references to their high school glory days into pro sports message boards and c.) their feeling that nothing they about pro sports can be questioned because they made varsity 25 years ago. Frustration caused by years of post-high school failure often boils over and leads to them being needlessly belligerent and confrontational - from the safety of their computers (also see keyboard warrior ) - with fans of teams they dont like or anyone who criticizes players they worship/dream of being able to suck off.

Football_Fan_1 - I cant believe Roger Goodell reduced Greg Hardy's suspension.

DaRealDeal17 - STOP IT!! He'z a GLADIATOR just like I was in high school!! I made varsity junior year because I kicked ASS and took names on da field just like he does YOU COULDNT DO FOR A DAY WHAT HE DOES EVERY DAY OR WHAT I DID EVERY DAY ON VARSITY IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! YOURE A BITCH!! STOP IT! PLEAZE STOP IT!

Football_Fan_1 - Ok high school hero what do you know about playing in the NFL? your profile says you're a 40 year old stock boy. And Hardy's going to be washed up & broke in ten years. Maybe you guys will be stocking shelves together. Grow up loser.

**** DaRealDeal17 has left the conversation *****

by DRD75 May 28, 2016

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Hero Fiennes Tiffin

Hero Fiennes Tiffin is the most sexiest male on planet Earth. He is a sweetheart towards everyone and is a model. โ€œHero Fiennes Tiffin is the worlds best modelโ€ says Kendall Jenner. He plays Hardin Scott is the movie series, After. He plays the best Hardin and no know else could be him. Hero is going to take over the world with his looks (if youโ€™re seeing this in 2025 he already took over the world.) heโ€™s my bae. Heโ€™s my husband. Heโ€™s my love of my life. Heโ€™s Hero finned Tiffin.

Whoโ€™s your crush? My crush is Hero Fiennes Tiffin

by Depressedhuman October 30, 2020

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Hero Time Baaabaaay

When playing Zombies on any map in Call of Duty: Black Ops, a player runs out of the camping zone into a mob of zombies to get points, power ups, or just to try to be cool. Another way of saying it is, "I'm doing it for the points baaaabaaay!". This person is often a finefuck.

an example of Hero Time Baaabaaay is when: Stephen, being the finefuck he is, just ran out got raped by like 1000 zombies and now no one is going to revive him.

by TREA STUMP January 30, 2011

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Hometown Heroes Night

The eve before Thanksgiving where all the losers you went to high school with converge on the same bar. This often results in one of the following scenarios:

1. You see the losers who have never left your hometown, they are all belligerently drunk, annoying, and think they are cool.
2. You meet up with the chick who was hot in high school and is still kind of hot so you try to bag her. You later find out she is the town prostitute/cum dumpster.
3. You run into an acquaintance who you haven't talked to in years and have the awkward "Hey! How are You? What have you been up to?" conversation.
4. You have a drink with your old football/ baseball coach who is now an alcoholic.
5. You try to bang your ex-gf or that chick who polished your knob once in 9th grade.
6. Bear spectacle to every guy simultaneously hitting on the young co-eds who came back from college just for the holiday.

Hey, lets go to the bar for Hometown Heroes night. I really want to smush Jane Doe, she gave me the best brains in 9th grade.

by Game Over Chump October 7, 2013

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Boku No Hero Academia

What annoying people call the anime "My Hero Academia" when trying to be cool and fit in.

Person A: I really am enjoying Boku No Hero Academia

Person B: Say that one more time and I WILL assault you.

by NoeyRL July 24, 2018

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Neighborhood hero

A complete menace to the neighborhood bar scene. A rare specimen, who usually causes a ruckus on a nightly basis at the local tavern.

โ€œJonabe, the local neighborhood hero created straight mayhem when he walked through the doors of his local bar last nightโ€

by The voice of the trenches July 30, 2021

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Monkey Hero

The most completely awesome player of any game ever.

I wish I could be a fraction of what Monkey Hero is.

by Taeralis September 17, 2003

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