When your doing anal and a mans penis gets stuck inside
I was hitting it from behind and then her ass turned out to be a glue hole
When your ass is flat torn up, raw and blown out from shitting out a series of bad Taco Bell dietary choices.
I need some salve for my bell hole. I gotta stop hitting that drive thru after work.
when the woman's pussy smells like a Japanese fish market, this is referred to as the fishing hole
owain: "yo i sniffed the fishing hole last night it was even worse then a Japanese fish market"
george: "did you use a fishing rod?"
Over the course of time and the unforgiving effect of gravity an exquisite camel toe is transformed into an inaccessible fat cavern.
Damn! Ride the wave baby! Surfin' on into the blubber Hole!
Basically, when in a GangBang to your north their shall be a
rather deep vag JJ hole for you to fist for free!
A slang term for an anus; generally referred to when expressing a desire for anal sex.
Guy 1: yo bro, you see Priscilla over there? I hear she's the Dirt McGurt.
Guy 2: Damn man, lemme get at that Want Hole!
Guy 3: Word. Anal sex is thebomb.com