Source Code

sexual offender

How de fuk is there no definition 4 dis shit

Ur dad is a sexual offender

by Wagwan man December 4, 2017

10👍 5👎

Sexual Sunday

A dark day in online communities when there are no limits on porn and people can post anything even remotely sexual.

"Jack realized it was Sexual Sunday, so he prepared his tissues and lotion."

by Horny Hobbit February 22, 2016

11👍 4👎

Sexual Wingman

A Sexual Wingman is a guy/girl you bring along with you on singles
outings (like to bars) that helps you out with the women/men.

Typically in these ways :
• The Sexual Wingman will always be there to “occupy” the friends of the pair so that you may engage in the “conversation”

• When the sexual wingman technique is used, both girls/guys are
approached by the men/women, and the sexual Wingman automatically
engages in conversation with the friend.

• At the end of the night, after you have worked your
magic, the Sexual Wingman, AND ONLY THE WINGMAN, offers
the girls/guys to comeback to her/his place for a little ‘after party’.
• Once everyone arrives, the Sexual Wingman “occupies” the
friend IN ANOTHER ROOM, leaving yourself and the
sweet sweet little hotty alone so that you can hook it up!

Important note: Keep in mind that a sexual wingman
should always be of equal
or greater knowledge then you.

Learning and practiceing the Sexual Wingman support system
is an unbelievable asset if done right. Your sexual wingman is
an invaluable assistant for you so don't underestimate
the value of finding a sexual Wingman that can work with you.

"Tonight I need you to be my sexual wingman, you in?"

by sexual wingman September 17, 2008

10👍 4👎

metro sexual

A modern term, referring to a "new" bred of male.
"new" meaning, it has been pointed out or emphasized by the media through celebrities and idealistic thinking.
Usually used to describe males who have feminine tendencies such as interests in fashion, personal hygiene, life style, etc. Mannerism has smaller influence with being "metro sexual", metro sexual can behave like the common male on for instance. The aesthetics and inner attitude is where they can differ.
Usually refered to as being almost homosexual, except prefers the female gender... or rather themselves.

Person 1: Is David Beckham metro sexual?
Person 2: Most likely.

by Thisbitisannoying October 10, 2007

34👍 21👎


Someone that is sexually and physically attracted to Boys, Girls, and Squirrels.

Bruh... I’m straight... what are you? Tri-Sexual??

Yeah bro, boys, girls, and squirrels is where it’s at.

by Aren’t You Asain? May 20, 2018

16👍 8👎

Sexual Tyrannosaurus

A Sexual Tyrannosaurus, or Tyrannosaurs Sex(T-Sex for short) is a total fucking legend, who will definitely fuck your bitch if he gets the chance. A very attractive and sexually appealing person who can, and will, fuck anyone they want.

Guy 1: Chad is a total fucking Sexual Tyrannosaurus!
Guy 2: No kidding, he must've picked up at least 6 chicks last night!

by JerryWithAG September 26, 2018

16👍 8👎


Similar to a metro-sexual; however, a retro-sexual is an individual, typically male, who's fashion sense is influenced heavily by late 80's and early 90's pop culture.

He's a retro-sexual; he looks like a metro-sexual hipster that time warped from the 80's.

by DiligentDiscourse April 25, 2008

14👍 6👎