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Reverse Karma

When you choose to be a dick in a situation and it either turns out in your favor or doesn't cause a negative outcome like usual karma to the point you regret your asshole behavior.

(Fluffy Female approaches wearing a large white jacket)
Douche whispers to friend: "Yo look at this fat fucking cream puff."
Fluffy Female: "You guys did so well in the talent show the other night, you have amazing talent."
Douche to friend: "Damn I feel like a douche now, bro.."
Friend: "That's called Reverse Karma. It makes YOU the bitch."

by Alkemy November 11, 2016

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reverse baretrap

The name for the most intense sex position created in the year 2009.

" That bitch was screaming in falsetto after I put her in reverse baretrap" "If you like it rough bend backwards for the reverse baretrap"

by quotesby-Kai December 15, 2009

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Reverse Queef

When a partner eats out another and then procedes to burp into the vagina

Yeah last night I was eating out Val and I reverse Queefed her. She won't talk to me anymore

by Pazman August 19, 2017

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adjective: In the male homosexual population, refers to individuals who really have no preference between sodomizing or being sodomized. They are the rarest, and the most sought-after homosexuals.

Serge: Are you active, passive, or auto-reverse?
<notice the glimpse of hope in Serge's eyes as he proposes this last option>

Themis: Auto-reverse.

Serge: Then you'll be passive today. It's party time.

by Daveeed February 27, 2006

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reverse nachos

a big old pile of melted cheese(s) with some tortilla chips sprinkled on top.

mmmm these reverse nachos are tasty and greasy!

by gd December 31, 2005

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reverse cowgirl

A sex position loved by farmers because it reminds them of what they do at home. To do the reverse cowgirl the dude lays on his back while the misso sits on top of him and he pounds her pussy.

"do u wanna reverse cowgirl later tonight?"

"omg yes daddy i just creamed"

by crackedfortnitekid May 5, 2022

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Reverse Rape

1) The act of being given back your virginity through force.

2) The act of your virginity forcefully being thrown back into your body.

If you are in the act of Reverse Rape and you have not lost your virginity in the first place. You then have two virginity's, or more commonly known as VirginityΒ².

Jim: Dude, I just got reverse raped...
Bob: How did you manage that?
Jim: It just happened! It was all so sudden.

by Sieabah L. park April 17, 2010

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