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pricipality of small dinosaurs

a small island found near the outer regions of croyden A.K.A the middle outer labia medura. it in fact, contains no dinosaurs, of any size, the population consists of one very round and hairy sunflower called mr bailey, but mind out for the large puddles of fondue (cheese) littered around the principality

'I'm Off To The Principality of Small Dinosaurs For A Week Or Two, Any Advice?'
'Watch Out For the Steaming Puddles of MElted Cheese, It Could Possibly Be Smegma

by broom February 8, 2005

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Small Town Girl

An ugly fat chick who drives a pickup truck and listens to shitty country music. Most small town girls start having babies before they are finished high school, and they are often grandmothers when they are in their thirties.

Small town girls never use birth control, because they think only sluts do that. And besides, the lady who works the cash register at the only drug store in town is your mom's cousin and if you went there to buy condoms everyone in town would know about it within ten minutes. Instead, small town girls have three (or more) different kids with three (or more) different fathers.

You better run off to the big city and go to University, boy. You don't wanna end up married to some small town girl that you knocked up in grade 8.

by Just Passin' Through November 27, 2009

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Small Tittied Man

A man who expects woman to be dumb, independent, mentally strong, financially smart, and drinks coffee. Opposite of Big tittied man

wow, that is a small tittied man

by smalldickdan July 22, 2019

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daddy small legs

Daddy small legs is the opposite of daddy long legs. If you're small and have a daddy kink you're daddy small legs.

"She's so small but she's my daddy small legs."

by Daddy small legs August 8, 2017

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Small Dog Syndrome

When small dogs think they are as big and powerful as big dogs. Often times pick fights with dogs bigger than them. Can be aggressive in fights.

โ€œKronos has small dog syndromeโ€

by Kronoskronoskronos September 14, 2021

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small cocked roach

loaded, sexually confused man with prepubescent genitalia. known to enjoy tranny porn, high heels, and popcorn. known to masturbate frequently on stranger's couches. favorite line is "but i'm straight" usually following a really bad gay i mean jay story.

I woke up to a small cocked Roach walking through my house last night!

by trannypornlover December 30, 2011

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small business saturday

The Saturday after Black Friday. This is the day when business' realize that they are screwed and start thinking about Chapter 13. They tried opening on Thanksgiving offering ridiculous discounts only to find out that it is costing them more in protests, petitions, and lawsuits then the profits they made for the day. Black Friday wasn't any better as most of the shoppers that came in were just looking at the items that they wanted to buy online cheaper then any Black Friday deal would have got them.

Joe: Hey did you go shopping on Black Friday or Small Business Saturday?

Dave: Nah man, I'm doing mine on Cyber Monday

by StealthTSX November 30, 2013

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