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Treadmill potato

Person who watches television while working out at home on a treadmill, on the base of a rating system in which tv shows get labeled as "worth watching from the couch" or "can totally be seen during exercise".

The tv shows belonging to this last category are watched just to keep track of the story while waiting for the occasional good episode that justifies remaining attached to a series that outrunned it's original concept, or for that one-per-episode cool computer graphic effect. They can be followed just fine by listening and looking at the screen every 5 seconds or so. In the case of movies, they usually are cheap B movies often downloaded from the internet or rented by mistake.

The key concept of this activity is multitasking, originating from the fact that:
a) one has not enough couch-time to watch tv from a sitting position
b) one lacks the determination to stay put and watch a now boring show just to see how it ends
c) one wants something to distract him from the pains of fat-burning.

See also: elliptical potato, stationary bike potato.

Tim: John, long time no see! Did you lose weight?

John: I really needed to free some space on my TiVo, so i treadmill potato'ed my way through the last season of Prison break and Heroes.
Michael: Well, time to go, i need to burn some fat.
Ryan: The office is on tonight, are you gonna watch it while you exercise?
Michael: Hey, i might be a treadmill potato, but The office will *always* get some couch time from me.

by keichix November 1, 2009

slimy potato

When a man and a woman have just gotten out of the pool and they decide to have sex but his dick got wet in the pool so it is slimy

When we were at the rich kid's pool skinny dipping we were going to fuck on their patio table but he had a slimy potato so he fingered me with a pickle instead.

by Halfway43 April 7, 2015

Bored Potato

Bored Potato - a potato who is really bored and on the verge of crossing the plane of existence into an infinite pit of boredom.

Why are you reading this? Go outside or something. Stop wasting your time reading this. Why are you still here?

I am a Bored Potato, I guess. That was random.

by Bored Potato September 17, 2019

Potato Karp

A devolved form of the pokemon magikarp. It does nothing other than sit there and be demoralizing and smells funny. You cannot kill or get rid of it. It doesn't matter if you catch it or not. It forces its way into your pokeball and throws the other pokemon out.


by Whopper Jr. for a dollar March 26, 2010

potatoes farmed

1. Castration
2. Humiliation to the highest degree

You just got your potatoes farmed in Halo, like the trick ass skiz-ank you are. Oh-Na!

by Dope Fiend March 12, 2005

The Potato Oath

The oath of potatoes, against potato abuse, and potato harm.

You will come across the potato curse if you break The Potato Oath.

by NICE BRO NICE OMFG May 31, 2018

potato dog

The cutest thing one can imagine

You are such a potato dog 😍

by Doggoo February 21, 2017