In the portal games the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center is a large area in the Aperture Science facility in which many main test chambers are located, and where most of the testing involving portal guns and such takes place. Chell wakes up here in the first portal game.
“Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center. We hope your brief detention in the Relaxation Vault has been a pleasant one.
Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all Enrichment Center activities, serious injuries may occur.
For your own safety, and the safety of others, please refrain from touching bzzzzzt
Por favor bordon de fallar Muchos gracias de fallar gracias
stand back. The portal will open in three. Two. One.”
Refers to a generation of society, born roughly around the death of grunge music, that refuses to believe anything that science tells them because it's too mainstream.
Science hipsters are the reason that we have people believe the earth is flat, and there is a 3rd option, besides male or female, to put on a birth certificate
I had to break up with Lisa. She kept telling me how the earth was flat and how She is going to let her baby choose her gender when it's old enough.
She is either stupid, or she is a science hipster.
Science class is nothing, but bullshit that we are not going to need in the future or what we already know.
Science class teacher: And that's how oxygen turn into carbon dioxide.
Person 1: why the fuck do we need to know this?
A required class in School that teaches you shit the average sane human being will never use, such as how plants grow.
In science class, we learned how a plant reproduces. I'm going to be a insert job here!
Science class is the most annoyingly pointless core there could possibly be. Something to note about all other subjects in school such as math, english, and history is that they actually are (for the most part) beneficial in later life. Science is not. It doesn't matter if you are flipping patties like spongebob or destroying earth with laser sharks. You don't need to know what homologous means or heterozygous or learn how to make a punnett square. You simply don't
Man I have Science Class this year I can't wait to learn all about a completely pointless subject even though I most likely will just be a minimum wage slave!
Total uncoordinated chaos where nothing gets done
“Mr X, how would you describe science class?”
“Chaos, pure chaos.”
When you have a topic about pseudoscience, religions, myths, or metaphysics
What is your horoscope?
I don't believe in astrology, Doesn't make science!
You: If you don't believe in God you will go to hell.
Me: Doesn't make science.