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Born again stoner

When a heavy pot smoker stops smoking weed for a long period of time, and then smokes again. They become a born again stoner.

stoner born-again born again stoner

by Twizzler February 26, 2016

Stoner Hide & Seek

When a person gets quite blazed and hides their goodies after use, then when they want to smoke again later, they have to seek their forgotten (hidden) belongings.

Colin: Gabby I dont want to get you sick, pass me my bowl.
Gabby: Where is it?
Colin: Its in the bag.
Gabby: No it's not...looks like its time to play Stoner Hide & Seek!

by BLAZEMASTERC420 April 13, 2011

Golden Rule for Stoners

This rule states: If one is to get up and get a drink for drymouth relief, they had better come back with a drink for their burn-out buddy

Kenzie: I'm getting up to get water

Caitlin: I'm too lazy to get mine but I'm parched..

Kenzie: (Comes back with both glasses)

Caitlin: Wow bro! Thanks for following the Golden Rule for Stoners!

by GoodCallGirls November 12, 2011

Haute Stoner Cuisine

Food prepared by chefs under the influence of Marijuana.

To the maître d': "Exquisite otherworldly flavour."

Oui madame... we have a new chef from Brooklyn, recently graduated from the renowned Haute Stoner Cuisine School.

by rperazag May 20, 2010

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Happy Stoner Dance

Term used to describe a relatively low-movement dance; typically includes to pointing of both index fingers while bending torso side-to-side in rhythm with whatever potentially rhythmic sounds within the vicinity.

Mary: "Dude, whats up with Ralph?"
Ralph: *Dancing very poorly*
Jack: "Happy stoner dance. He just smoked a joint and now they're playing his favorite song."
Mary: "Wow..."

by Kizn May 7, 2010

Stoner Doom Metal

Stoner Doom Metal is a blend of the genres Stoner Metal and traditional Doom Metal. The most important bands are Sleep and Electric Wizard.

Typical stylistic devices used are

-slow tempos
-heavily distorted guitar and bass (overdriven tube amps and fuzz distortion)

-low tuning of the string instruments (c standard, drop c, cis standard etc.)
-use of Blues minor pentatonics

-lyrics about fantasy, drugs, trips, society, hate, fear, sorrow and desperation

Stoner Doom Metal influenced various artists from the styles Stoner Metal, Stoner Sludge and Drone Doom.

You know what? Fuck death metal, fuck black metal, fuck nu metal - Stoner Doom Metal is the real deal!

by HassanISabah144 March 21, 2011

23👍 4👎

Stoner made Whopper

When the person making your Whopper has dank smelling fingers and you take your first bite and you can clearly taste Kush, then you take a look at your whopper and see it sparkling like the crystals on some good old bud.

"Hey Triston, this Whopper clearly tastes like the bud we sold that guy last week."
"Yea Hunter, I agree. I can see the bun sparkling and everything...OH and those aren't sesame seeds!"
"Yup, this must be a Stoner made Whopper."

by O'BrienHatfieldHunter February 17, 2012