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not incredibly genius

-“bro i got a 30 on the math test
-“like nig”

by jessecomebackimissyouimsorry March 31, 2024


When challenge someone to see who can get there skin darker

Yo Noah, I’m gonna Nig you

by 1haten1ggers May 14, 2024


Its a nig but its black and its name is tyrone?

Example Sentence: Hey look it's a nig?

by confused n-word July 9, 2019


A black pick up truck

Let's hop in the nig and cruise

by December 4, 2021


a person who eats all your beans.

Bill: Yo there's a nig in here
Stranger: He just at all my beans!

by extra thicccc October 17, 2018


a dark skin, brown skin, light brown skin, or really tan person who isnt the black race. it can also be african americans, africans. mexicans. latinas/latinos, indians, native americans, albanian. middle eastern, egyptian and so on.

whats up my nig

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ April 22, 2022


The shortened form for the discriminatory term "nig*gers'. It is often used by kids who claims to not be racist when they don't they say the full word however it has the same meaning. If you use this word you are very racist and you should die.

Fake non-racist: I hate nigs who go to my school
Teacher: *shoots the kid*
Black person: HEY THATS MY JOB??!!

by Biggestligger March 4, 2023