A fake list or listing used to cheat or scam people.
The banker tried using a Hargari list to get investors to promote a scam investment.
The garage sale was a scam. They used a Hagari list of 35 items while in fact, they only had 4 to sell.
Usually in Conjunction with "the"
In Reference to The David letterman list.
A term for a list of the top answers to a topic. Usually the topic and/or its topic can be comical or serious. Number of answers are typically between 5 and 10 answers
Harvey: Give me the Letterman list then.
John: Earth, Dad, pizza, sex, cold beer, fast cars, sex, Aeryn, love.
Harvey: Well, we're both dead.
John: Screw you.
Feeling the need to do something you know you might regret before you die.
Man did I fucking bomb at that open mic night yesterday. Scratch one off my shitbucket list!
An exclusive event with good people who want to party in style. Unmatched vibes & lit times!
Are you on the list?
Last night at The In List was lit!
A person who buys expensive things one can't afford in order to gain acceptance by new coworkers. But instead is a douche.
Person 1: yo, Alex totally A-listed.
Person 2: bet he did it to impress Adam.
The collection of poor souls who have decided to ghost you rather than (wo)man up and just tell you they were not interested.
Of all the people I have been talking to, I would have never thought this guy woud end up on my Casper List.
a fliiping retard
bro this flipping list keeps stealing my girl, man.