A place where reluctant children and teens go to learn and do classwork. Often it is a target of insult being called "Hell" "Prison" etc. Of course many of these people don't understand what they have and are too ignorant to see that if they were in differant circumstances they would wish for an education instead of a life of dull physical work. Sure school could be related to that dull physical work but of course it does open oppurtunities to get of it. You just have to get through 12 years.
"At home my parents are strict. They don't let me have a life because they think I'm gonna go and get into trouble, like drugs and other stuff. They don't even know that I'm not that stupid. I like school not because of the stupid work and teachers, but because it's the only place where I can see my friends. Overprotective parents suck."
50๐ 59๐
PSYCHOLOGY: This involves talking about rats and dreams. Psychologists are obsessed with rats and dreams. I once spent an entire semester training a rat to punch little buttons in a certain sequence then training my roommate to do the same thing. The rat learned much faster. My roommate is now a doctor. If you like rats or dreams and above all if you dream about rats you should major in psychology.
rats...humm... I dream... rat... ouch... GERROFF!
10๐ 8๐
A threat promising physical violence
I'll School your ass.
Don't make me school you.
10๐ 8๐
A place where people who like to learn are beaten into submission by thug-like jocks who think "algebra and geometry is useless" and then talk about how "lucky" I am at high school reunions to have a hot wife, cool cars and more than six times the median family income.
22๐ 23๐
1. n. place where kids go to learn more than just math, english, and science (see violence, sex, or drugs)
2. v. to beat someone at something
1. I'm finished with school, thank goodness.
2. He sure got schooled by that pro.
8๐ 6๐
A specific era in hiphop history. There have been many discussions about the difference between the "Old School" and the New School". One accepted view was put to words in alt.rap by Charles L. Isbell:
All of time can be divided pretty easily this way:
- Everything before "Run DMC" (Run DMC 1984)
- Everything before "It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back" (Public Enemy 1988)
It gets harder after that, but maybe you'd have to label parallel movements with stuff like:
+ Everything before "Straight Outta Compton" (NWA 1988) and "Amerikkka's Most Wanted" (Ice Cube 1990) for the West Coast Gangsta Movement
+ Everything before "3 Feet High And Rising" (De La Soul 1989) and "Low End Theory" (A Tribe Called Quest 1991) for the Jazz/Bohemian Movement
Others seem to think we're about to enter the Everything before "93 'Til Infinity" (Souls of Mischief 1993) era for the Ascendency of Hieroglyphics, but I'll reserve judgement on that.
There are also several dark moments: MC Hammer ushered in the HipPop Era and Vanilla "No I really used to be rich; May I take your order?" Ice ushered in something unspeakable (Snow, if nothing else).
Hmmmmm, here's a way to pass the time: what are the key moments/movements and what albums/artists best represent them? How have they influenced the direction of rap? Making no value judgements, I'd have to say that the four most influential hiphop moments/movements are the ones I listed above and for obvious reasons.
Old School has some dope shit, Red Alert, Slick Rick, Whodini dope ass old school rappers
14๐ 13๐
Take the most boring experience you've ever had then multiply it by,THEN bring a couple of freinds to suffer with you, THEN add the fcat that every time you screw up your parents give you hell. All the while school is giving you hell, ahhh, but wait what about the weekends you ask? Well add homework and projects TIMES 10, so those are now hell too, and if you don't do them then your every day hell is multiplied 100 fold in a continous cycle. Which results in the first about 17 years of your life EXCLUDING COLLEGE hell. In conclusion, School+You=Hell which is then put into the equation Hell+17 years=Childhood full of hell which is then simplified into SCHOOL=HELL
Student: Can you please explain?
Teacher: What do you want me to explain?
Student: Like all that stuff you just said
Teacher:......... Wha.. Sorry....Ummmm, QUIZ TIME!!
10 minutes later......
Teacher: Heres your test
Student: I failed
Teacher You should have studied
Student: But i didn't unders.....
Teacher: What, Huh, Can't hear you, Class dismissed
Now your home
Student: I failed
Parent: No more fun, now you study for the rest of the day
Student: But i didn't understand and the teacher wouldn't
Parent: Ohh Noooo! You must have a learning disability!!!
Student: I just need a bit of help with..
Parent: I'ma laways there for you and i'll always listen! :)
Student: :(
Parent: Now where is the guidance counselors number?
Student: XP
Preist: May your spirit rest in heaven
Parents: Why did he commit suicide! We should have gotten him professional help when he said he wanted to do somehing he would enjoy when he was older!
7๐ 5๐