A band formed with music as an afterthought , the main focus of an "After band" is typically to pick up girls . An "After band" can typically be identified as by a focus on images and presents of the so called band itself typically before the release or mentioning of music at all.
"Such a poser! definitely started *band name* as an After band he even tried to hit on me after his show"
A retarded term made by the minny mouse boy Micheal so he can cheat in smasj
Oh when I killed that child he should’ve of dodged I gave him a after-warning
if you searched this, dude, your a freaking LEGEND
I feel as though I am ice and he is fire- book
What are you doing Tessa? Learning about the stars- movie
No I want to hear it after. I want to hear you say it after.
Hym "Yeah say that after. You're only doing it because you think you won't be affected by the consequences. I can guarantee your answer will change. And the parents you're speaking for aren't going to agree."
"cake after sex is so goated" is the most charismatic phrase ever to exist. The guy who made it has the ability to make people bend to his will with this one phrase. Psychologists hate him!
person 1: cake after sex is so goated
person 2: what
person 1: cake after sex is so goated
person 2: you're not making any sense
person 1: cake after sex is so goated
person 2: please stop
person 1: cake after sex is so goated
person 2: cake after sex is so goated
person 1: cake after sex is so goated
person 2: cake after sex is so goated