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Fuck Boy Disease

Fuck Boy Disease or FBD, is when a girl gets attached to a fuckboy after him 'hitting her up' or 'sliding into her dm's'.

Ashley: Oooh Brad just messaged me.
Bella: Brad is such a Fuckboy.
Ashley: And?
Bella: Don't go catching a case of Fuck Boy Disease.

by kcn April 17, 2017

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Electronically Transmitted Disease

Electronically Transmitted Disease (ETD) - The contraction of any form of malware on a computer, as a result of searching for or accessing pornography.

Joe contracted an Electronically Transmitted Disease when he was playing Artifical Girl 2.

by Joseph Sileo November 16, 2007

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Ed Zachary Disease

Ed Zachary Disease is when your face looks exactly like your ass, meaning you are extremely ugly.

"Ed Zachary Disease is when your face rook Ed Zachary rike your ass." - Dr. Chang of China

by -Brad- May 18, 2006

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foot and ass disease

A horrible smell that comes from a wall locker as a result of sweat-soaked clothes piled upon each other over a long period of time. Usually occurs with college students stockpiling their dirty laundry.

Holy shit Travis, this room smells like foot and ass disease!! When was the last time you washed your nasty ass clothes?

by UMC February 1, 2008

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Lenny Kravitz Disease

Being both Jewish and African American. A dying breed, like gingers.

Jeff is so lucky he has Lenny Kravitz Disease! He gets to celebrate Kwanzaa, Christmas, and Hannukah!

by pnthrfan327 January 13, 2010

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chronic wasting disease

What happens to a man after years of marriage. The man closely resembles a well done burger or at best, closely resembling food left out for too long a time time in Fido's bowl. It is best to leave them alone bringing these lost souls fresh flowers or a large type bone to gnaw on.

Vrin: What is the matter with that guy. He looks like total hamburger.
Jadu: He's been married a long time and has unfortunately developed chronic wasting disease. Yup. The feared CWD.
Vrin: CWD?
Jadu: Yup.

by jethrojones August 11, 2012

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Alcoholzheimer's Disease

Periodic dementia brought on by excessive alcohol consumption in social environments.

You talk to somebody at a party at length about life, the universe, and everything. Weeks later you see the same person again in "normal" life, you can't remember a thing you said or talked about, or even if you've ever met at all. The only lingering sensation is one of embarrassment from the possibility that you mispronounced the word "lambatse" multiple times. This is a symptom of Alcoholzheimer's Disease. See a doctor.

by Chuck Lindo August 30, 2009

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