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old bag

grumpy old bat who doesnt do anything for anyone

Mrs keen, jeez your an old bag!

by Anonymous November 12, 2002

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Zig the Bag

Zig The Bag is a slang term and was derived from several non sensical terms such as Bag-T, T-Sack, and ultimately T-Bag. Zig the Bags primary definition is "Go fuck yourself"
secondary definition is "Play with my nutsack"

Basically it can mean several things depending on context, Such as "HEY YOU CANT BE DOIN' THAT HERE." "Oh really well Zig The Bag." Meaning really, Fuck You. Or Suck Cock. It can also be used as a sexual term for instance. "Yo Man did you zig last night?" "Yea I Zig'd The Bag" Meaning he "Hit It" Or Had Intercourse. Furthermore it can be used as an adjective for instance. " Man Last night i got so Zigged" Meaning he was either high or intoxicated. Term can also be used as an adjective, "Hey do you like Dougan?" "Dougan? that kid is such a bag zigger"

by JoelFromCape April 27, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

grab bag

A list of girls you can date or get with. These said girls are friends of yours or girls who are close to you.

Lauren, Jaki, and Marina are in my grab bag. I don't know who to pick.

by Disaster Crew November 2, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bag of Crap

An item that appears on Woot.com that contains a random crappy item pulled from the deepest darkest hole in the storage barn

Dad: Oh lets check Woot
Son: I hope its a Bag of Crap

by 5uR1K3n May 22, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

yam bag

A man's scrotum, ball sack, nuts... you get the idea.

Then she played with my yam bag.

Ow! I think I sat onmy yam bag.

by 23 skiddoo April 1, 2005

80๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carrot Bagging

The act of unintentionally masturbating with self tanner, resulting in an orange, carrot-like phallus.

Cornelius was horrified when he realized he had been carrot bagging for the last 10 minutes. Undaunted, he finished the deed.

by Itzamna314 August 23, 2015

Chooch Bag

One that is known for his unethical amount of marijuana consumption.

Baldino is such a chooch bag. All he does is smoke weed 24/7.

by anonymous4893748972348324 March 23, 2017