A cheerio head is a boy with blonde and very curly hair, he is often very funny and likes to do british accents.
Lola: " who is that"
John: " thats just cheerio head"
Daniel is the kid who likes to take your shit, he is a huge douche with a small peen
“Look at Daniel Head what a douche”
Listen just because that Bitch is my Grand Pimp JEN. I get sick of trying to firgure out for some unkown fuckin reason fuck How the fuck am I supposed to Know I need to talk to the Jew so at least I'd have some basic understading of Ant- semetic
My name is Psuedo-CouCo Head hunters Please
A person who suffers from any mental disorder such as down syndrome, who continually bops there fucking head as if they feel that it is 100% necassary for the continuation of there lives.
Frank: Is that kid rocking out?
Bill: nah its a fucking head bopper
It's how you get to THE ASSH0LE by the front.
It's a LINE to get to the FUCKING AN ASSHOLE.
It is direction to go SHIT!!!!
ASSH0LE has no quality when you say it , it is built right in to GET 0UT MY HEAD to the back.
SHANE I want to FUCK YOU IN THE ASSHOLE how do I get there , wait your turn then GET 0UT MY HEAD.
well now that you GET 0UT MY HEAD as now you are at the ASSH0LE SHIT!!!!
Get out of my PUSSY as GET 0UT MY HEAD ASSH0LE!!!!
you trippin or you sound dumb ash
man yo head gone fr, her head gone fr, she saying anything her head gone