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Do the Mariusz

To stay silent during a group call pretending the microphone doesn’t work so as to avoid uncomfortable questions.

This is Julian’s business - Julian, i see you are on the line, can you hear me. Come on, don’t do the Mariusz.

I have been trying to get an answer from him all day during our WebEx meeting but he was not answering despite everyone could clearly see he was on the call: he was clearly doing the Mariusz.

by SemolaAtp April 2, 2020


Eager little helper who is always the first to pitch in and organize everybody and everything, whether you ask them to or not....usually not.

We were all trying to relax after dinner when Ashley's do-bag boyfriend jumped up and insisted on doing the dishes immediately. We all felt so guilty we were forced to put down our drinks and join him. What a do-bag!

by megalass September 22, 2011

Do A Daryn

When your mate say's he'll come out at 7pm but arrives hour later than planned.

When your mate tell's you anytime before 4pm is too early.

When you have a rave on VR chat at 4am.

I'm going to Do A Daryn and show up an hour late.

James said he will be out at 7pm but it's 8:30pm? Oh he's Doing A Daryn.

I was up late last night, I Did A Daryn.

Guy 1: "Oh yes i'll come to the cinema, wait before 4pm?, No I can't it's too early!"

Guy 2: "Oh he's Done A Daryn."

Don't Do A Daryn and actually show up on time please!

Don't Do A Daryn and come outside for once, those VR chat Raves can wait.

by Mitch Alin83 August 10, 2018

DOS Prompt

Early computer users typed c, the colon<:>, then pressed <enter> to get back to the main disk drive in DOS. It was also an inside joke.

After she took her thong off I gave her the DOS Prompt!

by #1mule June 18, 2010

Do the Travolta

When you Do The Travolta you hold your Smart Phone in the air to get some signal. Pulling the John Travolta pose in Saturday Night Fever.

Do the Travolta. #DoTheTravolta

Yesterday I was in the park and I had to Do The Travolta with my iPhone to get some bars. #DoTheTravolta

by Jack247 April 24, 2014


the overwhelming feeling upon seeing someone that a romantic or sexual situation occured with them, although either the person,encounter, or both cannot be specifically recalled.

I'm having Deja-Do about my new co-worker: I think we hooked up at a party a few years ago, but I'm not sure.

by joe. October 2, 2003

good do

A good do is a good job, or something that is funny or done well, it usually apples to an event or action.

That house party was a Good Do.

by RazLanners June 12, 2017