Source Code

Night Bitch

A dumb inconsderate whore who is with a different guy every day and doesnt care for anyones feelings but themselves.

Sarah Barteck is a fucking NIGHT BITCH

by Uwillneverknomynameiknoutho October 15, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

night water

night water is a wet dream

I woke up and my bed was wet and sticky -- I must have spilt my night water!

by USAF Cadet November 25, 2020

354๐Ÿ‘ 419๐Ÿ‘Ž

Night Shift

A hooker hookin. Typically a prostitute that hides her whoremones from the general public until the Night Shift (a.k.a, work hours)

Aye, I be clockin' dat pimpin ho working' da Night Shift over by dat Indian casino

by Hamburglurer July 18, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

night lover

1) someone you have an affair with
2) a secret lover (oh my)

Her husband divorced her because he found out about her night lover!

by Fallon October 19, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

chill night

a night time with a few people. If a party is to be considered part of a "chill night" then it shall be referred to as a party, not a partayyy.

Josh: "Bro, you wanna come partayyy with me and these girls tonight?"
Richard: "Nah, I'm good. I'm just gonna have a chill night."
Josh: "Okay man, have a fun party."

by ben and sperry's October 24, 2010

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that time of night

the period of time during late night/early morning where almost any female will be in the mood for some action. Although this time varies from girl to girl, on average this STARTS between 12:00AM and 3:00AM and ends at any time.

"dude, my girlfriend was awake during that time of night and she was so horny I woke up to her giving me a blowjob"

"man that's awesome"

by latenights February 23, 2010

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Night Auditor

An overworked and underpaid poor sap, that never sees daylight that must function soley on caffiene and their own distaste for their workplace. Usually works in hotels over the midnight hours and can be seen crunching numbers, and over applying self tanner.

Man, Brian that Night Auditor is some cranky today... He must have put up with some bullshit last night, and he forgot his puffer.

by Yannabell April 24, 2011

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