Source Code

Poon Sling

poon sling - n. - (poo-nh sli-ing) A sling designed for the sole purpose of throwing poon long distances with minimal effort.

<i>ex: Jhonny used his new poon sling he had purchased to prwnx0rnate that bitch hardcore yo.</i>

by Sean Baker October 11, 2005

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Poon Job

1. A person who is beyond a poon. Someone who is such an asshole/pussy that just callng them a poon doesn't quite do it.

1. Wow, that kid is such a poon job.

by Poofer February 22, 2005

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Poon Tang

Used as a term for a woman's "cha cha". It is most often penetrated with an erect penis. It can also be stimulated by rubbing upon the infamous clitoris.

Last night, I penetrated Joanne's fat and hairy poon tang. Afterwards I felt disgusted because she weighed over two-thirty and I called dibs for sloppy seconds.

by CrypticMetaphor May 12, 2010

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Poon Bite

When a woman's pants are so tight, that her pants go into their beaver, all that can be seen is poon bite.

"Dude, those pants are so tight, all I can see is her poon bite."

by bravoecho July 22, 2009

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Poon Patrol

Going on the lookout for that tasty vagina and often shooting it with and invisible poon gun, grenade etc and saying pooned.

Person 1: ay dude there is some poon there, get the poon blaster out

Person 2: *gets gun out* poon poon

Person 1: mad poon patrol

by Sergeant Major Poon February 27, 2013

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poon weasel

A guy who hangs around parties and steal other people's girls.
He bounces from one group to the next stealing girls and eventually ends up at parties where he doesn't really know anybody but he is just trying to steal some poon.

This guy Paul was at my house party being a total poon weasel.

by Schlik1 April 30, 2009

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Stank Poon

The action of whiping one's ass from back to front, particularly females, making one's poon very stanky.

Wow, that's one mighty stank poon.

by She Bangs October 15, 2004

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