Source Code

gay time

The act of being habitually late.

Q: Where is he?
A: He’ll be here in about 20-minutes, he’s on gay time.

by SF Guy February 11, 2006

57πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

One time for the one time

When you yeet on somebody too hard, and they get upset, to let them know it was a one time thing and you won't ever nae nae on them or hit that soulja boy in their face ever again, you tell them it was jus one time for the one time

Yo, my bad man, when i whipped on your little brother it was just one time for the one time

by Devdood1232 February 9, 2018

48πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Time Paradox

A gimmick that is quite popular amongst Metal Gear fans because the "Mission Failed" logo is actually "Time Paradox". In reality though, a time paradox is a contradiction of time. For example, take Metal Gear Solid 3's background. It's set in 1964. The main character's death, according to the storyline, would mean World War III. Thus, if he is killed, reality as we know it would suffer a time paradox because he wasn't supposed to die, and his death would mean the end of the world.....of course, we're still alive today.

Aw hell who am I kidding. This whole flow of time thing really confizzles me.

"Keep in mind though, it's just a game...^_^..."

"Vietnam never happened. TIME PARADOX!"

by Dave November 19, 2004

167πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Arab Time

Arriving 1 1/2 to 3 hours late to any event, regardless of its importance when you are from any middle eastern country. Some instances are more severe, specifically in Saudi Arabia, where Arab Time is standard time and arriving 3-4 hours late for an event is expected. Confusion occurs often for expats and immigrants living in the west.

"The party starts at 8pm - or 10pm arab time",

ding dong
**answers door**
"oh hi, you're here early!"
"Ah, yes the invite said 8pm"
"mmm, yeeeeah, we just assumed everyone would be on Arab Time"

(In western countries)
"Come over at 8pm"
"Arab Time or American Time?"
"LOL, make it 9pm American Time"

by timeless19990 March 19, 2008

103πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Pizza time

Something that Penis parker loves, especially Joe's Pizza.

Penis parker-"if i flip the pizzas mr Aziz will flip out!"
Pizza time

by AdildoMUIssgsskkx20 September 6, 2018

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

miller time

After a long hard day's work you come home, grab a Miller Lite out of the fridge and enjoy a few cold ones.

It's Miller Time.

by l337 H4x0r January 27, 2004

382πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

waste of time

Whatever you like to do best.

Stop wasting time!

by Braavosi May 1, 2003

92πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž