When one mistakenly thinks that one is alone in the house/apartment, and begins to do things one wouldn't do it one was with other people -- like singing, laughing at pictures of Hannah Montana, or fapping.
Tyrone: Dafuq you doin' Chinbo?
Chinbo: Oops didn't see you there! You were so quiet you caused The Shower Effect...
Facebook-shower (or morning Facebook) – the phenomenon when for a person the first thing to do in the morning is to read the Facebook feed.
Some believe that this morning information inflow helps the brain to wake up. So some people “switch on” their brains in the morning by reading news or destructing several rows of beads. Others believe that this presents a manifestation of information addiction, and one should keep a tight rein on such actions.
According to the research conducted by SOASTA, 92 percent of New-Yorkers start their day with a smartphone check. Most often, respondents open e-mail (67%) and read Facebook news feed (40%).
– Hey there Tom!
– Good morning Jesse!
– How was your start of the day?
– Well.. nothing special.. Facebook shower, coffee and Pokemon-Go walking to the office.
Eating period blood and puking it up during sex
"hey carl can you eat a girl out when she's on her period" "yeah as long as you don't give her a salsa shower"
When you take a bowl movement in the shower. Waffle stomp your bowl movement, then ingest said waffle.
See Waffle stomp
Jeff was a lot of things,but he was never late. To save time in the morning,he'd usually just stomp out a shower breakfast.
Quick scrub of unmentionables with use of minimal water, soap (if available), and speed
Joe was going to get lucky but first needed to freshen up with a commando shower.
A shower just a little hotter than comfortable that results in a red/pink afterglow not unlike a cooked lobster.
You're looking a bit red, are you ok?
Yeah, I had a lobster shower this morning.
When you take a shower to remove the drunken sins of the prior night.
I was so drunk last night, I railed the ugliest girl in the bar so I woke up and took a life shower