Source Code


Suspected to be an narc... An undercover cop.

Your boy over there, he's trippin out. Is he 1070 or just HI asf?!

by Nino Gambino December 19, 2018

SB 1070

A bill that was attempted to be passed by Arizona in order to put a leash on illegal immigration, which the federal government has largely failed to do; Arizona spends hundreds of millions on jailing illegals, and who knows how much more on educating them, providing welfare for them, etc., even though they don't pay taxes.

The law's purpose is based off of a federal law that prohibits illegal immigration. Contrary to popular (actually, minority, because the majority of the country supports it) belief, its parameters strictly and directly prohibit racial profiling of any kind. Police officers aren't allowed to go up to anyone they want and say "show me your papers." In fact, they are required to check immigration status if one has already been arrested for a crime.

Countless other states have introduced and/or instituted their own versions of SB-1070. The Obama Administration has shown blatant opposition to the bill and managed to essentially take away all proponents of it that gave it any effectiveness at all. Not only that, but State Department officials admitted to dissing Arizona's "humanitarian rights-violating" bill to countries such as China and Libya. Most, if not all of the Administration's accusations of the bill have truly been completely false.

Obama: "If you didn't have your papers and you took your kids out for ice cream, you could be harassed." (actual quote)

Someone who has actually read SB 1070: "No, you couldn't. Unless going out for ice cream is a crime now."

by Tudd Fudders April 20, 2011

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SB 1070

Racist legislation created by the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists targeting Hispanics in Arizona. The evil White Devils try to justify the law by saying that it merely reinforces the federal law, when, in fact, the law will only encourage harassment, racial profiling, and discrimination towards marginalized Latinos.

Senator Pearce and Govenor Brewer attempt to use this law to further the White Supremacists' agenda of eradicating this diverse country of Hispanics.

Basically, the law is the work of the devil, and should be resisted at all costs. We cannot let this madness spread to other states.

Boycott SB 1070, mis amigos. The White Devils must have forgot that Arizona once belonged to Mexico.

Police Officer#1: Officer Harris, I'm bored. Let's go shake down some Mexicans tonight.

Police Officer #2: I'm game! Let's use SB 1070 again...it allows us to arrest dem Taco Heads without probable cause or a warrant. Let's get 'em!

Police Officer #1: Hey, Jose Cuervo, let me see your papers!
Poor Chicano: Excuse me, sir?
Police Officer #1: You heard me, Carlos! Let me see your papers. We have reason to believe you are an illegal immigrant needing to be deported.
Poor Chicano: What is this? 1939 Nazi Germany? Officer Dumbshit, I was BORN here. I'm going for a run in the park. I don't have "immigration papers", as I am a US citizen.
Police Officer #1: I don't believe you, Don Julio. You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent....
Police Officer #2: I'm gonna check his pockets. He's probably a bandido or a dope smuggler!
Poor Chicano: Help! These pendejos are violating my civil rights!

by Chicanos Por La Causa June 22, 2010

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to pimp the S-1070

To hire someone someone ( non sexual work) and live off of their labor like parasite, regardless of whether or not you are gainfully employed yourself.

Boy one: let's make more money. But how?

Boy two: let's try to pimp the S-1070 and get some illegal immigrants to work for us.

Boy one: you're a genius

by Sexydimma May 22, 2017

to pimp the S-1070

to pimp the S-1070

(to be used in a non-sexual context only)

a ) (verb): to hire someone out (non sexual work only) and live off their wage, like a parasite, done regardless of whether you yourself are gainfully employed.

b) to financially exploit someone, using only money that the exploited person has earned solely outside the sexual trafficking trades

boy a) I don't have a job, what can I do?

boy b) let's open a business, to pimp the S-1070, some illegal immigrants at my father's company. That way, my father pays the immigrants minimum wage, but they do work us, not my dad.

boy a): you are a genius!

by Sexydimma February 7, 2013

to pimp the S-1070

To hire someone ( non sexual work) and live off of their labor like a parasite, regardless of whether or not you are gainfully employed yourself.

Boy one: let's make more money. But how?

Boy two: let's try to pimp the S-1070 and get some illegal immigrants to work for us.

Boy one: you're a genius

by Sexydimma May 27, 2021

to pimp the S-1070

(to be used in a non-sexual context ):

(verb): to hire someone out (non sexual work only) and live off their wage, like a parasite, done regardless of whether you yourself are gainfully employed.

boy a) I don't have a job, what can I do?

boy b) let's try to pimp the S-1070, exploit some illegal immigrants at my father's company. That way, my father pays the immigrants minimum wage, but they do work us, not my dad.

boy a): you are a genius!

by Sexydimma May 30, 2015