Specifically, one who lives in the area code 281 in the area surrounding houston. Generally, it is anyone who wears only clothes from abercrombie & fitch, hollister or american eagle;uses smiley faces; has "iced tips" or highlights; lives in a planned neighborhood; and frequently uses african-american slang, even though they are caucasian.
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someone from the outskirts of Houston, with the area code 281, who has highlights, wears Abercrombie and Hollister, thinks they are gangster, and is terrible at sports (football, cheer, basketball). they come into Houston and our noticeable to everyday Houstonians, which is why they are called 281ers
why are 281ers always at the Galleria?
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Typically, someone that lives in the 281 area code surrounding Houston. They buy all their clothes from the outlet malls or Katy Mills Mall. They wear abercrombie & fitch, American Eagle, Vans, or Hollister. They have streaky highlights. 281ers use slang even though they are white. They are terrible at sports, and noticed by every 713.
A 281er is known for living in the area code of 281 (Katy Tx.) A 281er is one that typically shops in Katy Mills at Holister, Abercrombie & Fitch, Pink, or Brandy Melville. A 281er wears ugly hoe like crop tops and ripped jeans from Hollister. They think there all that and a bag of chips, but they don't realize that they're really bad at sports EXCEPT cheer because cheer is the only thing they know how to do and thats all they do out in Katy. There hair is normally greasy and they have really bad ice tips in there hair which makes it look worse. By the end of there High School career they end up following where ever their friends go to college which are Texas ATM, Baylor, and Blinn or maybe UH/HCC. They also end up marrying there high school sweetheart that they've dated since the 7th grade because there to scared to find someone else. Long story short there marriage doesn't last.
you can tell she's a 281er
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Houstonian term for the rich, upper-class whites living outside of Loop 610. Based off of the Suburbian Houston area code 281 (as opposed to the inner city area code 713). This does not necessarily imply that everyone with the area code 281 is a stuck up rich person.
"Hey, I'm heading down to see some friends in Sugar Land. Want to meet them?"
"Nah, there are too many 281ers living down there."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I am tired of hanging out with all these stuck up rich kids!"
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