Source Code


Another day turned to night
At least I will get my wish
How this is all so right
You holding me so tight!

I can feel the beat
Of our hearts dancing so free
Lost in your eyes
You finally see all the love from me…

Not a word I need to say
This silence is okay to stay:)
It is time to wake..

Thank you dreams for a glimpse of what is to be❤️❤️
608 … realizing things don’t always go the way you plan, sometimes you have to improvise 😘🫣

by 4-u May 20, 2023

89👍 70👎


An area code covering southwestern Wisconsin.

People who live in this area are usually packers fans and drink shitloads of beer.

Now everybody in the 608 put your motherfuckin hands up and make this great

by Senor Fuckwad December 9, 2018

11👍 11👎

608 Boys

A group of guys who own big trucks to confiscate for having a small wiener. Also lie about how much horsepower their truck is making and how fast it is.

The other day I saw two 608 Boys scissoring each other in the bed of their truck.

by HeyDipShit420 April 5, 2021

6👍 8👎

rule 608

when a guy farts around his friends and they are forced to smell it. has to be a full breath. if you do not smell it they will have open permission to punch you dick

dude1:its smells like shit i cant smell that

dude2:you just broke rule 608

dude1:time to get a dick punching

by ethan the man isenhauer May 1, 2009

12👍 77👎


A gummibar

608 is a gummibar

by efefewfef June 7, 2024