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being aware or a false belief of being aware of more apolitical and less politically correct things in society that are often very vague and not based on solid reasons and rooted in conspiracy theory eg "green energy is globalist communism". "Veganism kills more animals than factory farming" Youtube and facebook comment sections are usually full of such enlightened statements from sun-glass on head baldies and platinum blond pseudo-psychologists with too much time on their hands. Usually the right-wings own brand of 'woke' but not exclusive to them. But can also be about things that ARE true but are not politically correct and attract twitter woke scolds.

James at work is always repeating the alt-woke hot takes he reads on facebook.

During this pandemic Vicky has become alt-woke and joined anti-5G groups and anti-vax, which she often browses from her radiation emitting phone, whilst smoking some DNA damaging rothman kingsize

Kumar keeps alt-woke scolding me calling me a sheep telling me to wake up

by Q-adumb January 1, 2021

4👍 5👎


The supposed silent majority who tend to throw a lot of whataboutery into any political argument that takes place on social media. Have a tendency to vilify those they see as woke without seeing the irony of what they are doing. Their latest point of interest are statues and the protection of them.

"How dare they take down that statue, it represents our history and I am very annoyed."

"Have you ever taken notice statues before in your life while walking around?"

"errmm. Not really, but I like them now, particularly the ones that are annoying the people whom I have an irrational hatred for."

"What an alt-woke."

by fadetogrey June 11, 2020

3👍 8👎


Someone who usually holds leftist viewpoints and is woke but not in the mainstream or left-conformist way.

Like, but not necessarly:
-. Being in support of legal equality like Gay-marriage, but against stuff like woman or gay quotas in management.
-. Strongly advocating for the abolishment of any concept of race and ethnic identity and saying stuff like "Skin-color is basically the same as a Hair color"
-. Being strongly supportive of the conventional medicine and arguing against spiritual healing or homeopathy
-. Thinking religion (especially Christianity or Judaism) when practiced in a peaceful humanistic way of thought is actually a good thing for the guidance of a lot of people.
-. Arguing that a strictly defensive military without taking combat interventions in foreign countrys (like the Swiss army) is a necessary and good thing.
-. Saying that 5G-antennas are necessary and not a danger environment and humans.
-. Holding and pointing out the opinion that everyone can be racist not just white people
-. Being supportive of law enforcement and police
-. Holding the viewpoint that the symbol of "Hammer and sickle" is as worse then a "Swastika"

Sometimes the word is misused as slur for Gay friendly right-wingers or neo-liberalists and as euphemism for conspiracy theorists.

A: For a woke Person she is very critical of the Feminist movement
B: Yea, she is kinda alt-woke.

A: Can't we just act like its nothing special that someone is Gay or Trans
B: Be careful such alt-woke statements aren't very popular on this campus.

A: You are such a left-winger, why aren't you in the socialist-party?
B: You know i wouldn't fit in there because of my "alt-woke" viewpoints.

by Carriorpigeon January 13, 2021

2👍 10👎