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someone who instead of talking (blabby), they think every little thing they do should be documented; or someone who fills their blog with inane filler text expounding on minutiae just to create entries; adjective, adverb

Sarah records every moment of her life whether she's doing laundry or waiting in traffic, she's so bloggy.

by smiami March 14, 2009

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Quickly created, opinionated, and reactionary writing. Writing that risks being inaccurate, unclear or poorly written, as it is not thoroughly considered and edited. "Bloggy" writing would not be considered an example of concise or professional writing.

Intentionally similar to foggy, as defined as unclear; also, to sloppy.

Derivatives: bloggier, bloggiest; blogginess (noun); bloggily (adverb).

I like your letter to the editor, but it is BLOGGY. You wrote it quickly, after all. You ought to revise it a bit before you send it.

The BLOGGINESS in your Web comment leaves a lot of room for assumption, but I see how you feel about the article!

Ben was very ticked off at a biased journalist, and his comment was one of his BLOGGIEST.

by roosterhome March 27, 2009

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tired and logy, as from lack of sleep or that feeling right after waking up from a nap, lethargic, lack of energy, blah, or that sort of stoned antihistamine or pain pill feeling, sluggish

I was up all night, worked all day, and now I just feel bloggy.

by HollyB September 20, 2006

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Blog Readers

Man, I have 3 bloggies! This is huge!

by lansi January 21, 2009

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1. To act as if everything other than real life is a blog, and you can vent one's feelings on teh internet.
2. Used to describe someone who is completely calm and collected normally, but on the internet, acts like a blogger
3. Occasionally used to describe over use of emotions while expressing a blog or "comment"
Usually describes as a whiner or loser who doesn't swear at all in real life but acts all G when online.
See whiner, loser, emo

1: Man, in real life, he doesn't say much, but on the internet, he whines and complains about everything.
2:Why you hatin his bloggyness

1:I've never heard him swear, but online, he has the mouth of parrot in a rap club
2: I guess on teh internet his bloggyness shows.

by PEter J MANn December 27, 2008

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Someone who spent time in places where bloggers instagrammers etc. take pictures or show their followers

She’s so bloggy. Everyday she goes to that bar for more likes

by xbitsch September 15, 2019