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A kick-ass British squirrel who rebels against authority figures. He is a character in Neurotically Yours. (Foamy The Squirrel) He has a purple Mohawk, yellow eyes, and a spiked tail. He had spent eighteen months in jail for calling the Queen of England a wanker. He is a friend of Foamy.

"All year long I've seen kids play video-games where people are shot in the face, stabbed in the back, and are ran over! All of a sudden, one little sexy pops up in a video-game and everyone has to 'save the children'. SCREW THE CHILDREN !"

*Pulls out middle fingers*
- Begley

by I<3Sgt.Frog July 10, 2010

97👍 11👎


cool but in an unobtrusive kind of way

dude that party was so begley, but i had to get home early anyways

by evelyn April 5, 2005

22👍 14👎


a badass fire mage

look begley's hands are on fire

by cheesewiz010 September 22, 2008

11👍 11👎

Full Begley

Becoming such an extreme environmentalist that you generally creep everybody out because all you talk about is the strange projects that you're into, while managing to be incredibly condescending at the same time.

Named for actor Ed Begley Jr.

Did you hear about Andrew? Yeah, he went full begley. Now he spends all his time making weird things to water his lawn with his own pee, and it's all he talks about. I can't stand to see him like it.

by huntdoggy February 22, 2011

drive like a begley

A person who drives up hills and fly off them to on comeing traffic

Yo bro i drive like a begley all the time it is so fun you should try it

by KING PUNJAB October 5, 2019