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Mysterious Last Name. Was probably given to the guy who rang the bell in a tower. Bell + Ringer - R = Bellinger

"That weirdo in the tower is a real Bellinger"

by Bigger Balls July 11, 2008

10πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A group of awesominess, solid folk, a kind of gentle being until you cross him/her, an open minded group of beings, highly tolerant type of beings, understanding type of group, a realistic and logical thinking being, very technical way of being, very factual w their way of being, honest in heart which sometimes may come out at times hurtful, truthfully and righteously always seeking.

Living in a bellinger way has its ups and down ways about it..

For her to be on the honor roll she must have a bellinger like manner...

Life must not be easy to live it to its fullest bellinger poteincy..

It takes a bellinger to tempt to live as solid and real to oneself and to those around them and still be wearing a smile daily

by George bitkin April 24, 2016

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

cody bellinger

The left handed messiah

Guy #1: Cody Bellinger is the left-handed messiah.

Guy #2: heard that!

by peytlurk September 14, 2017

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eric bellinger

A very mediocre "r&b" singer (and I use r&b very loosely) who sounds almost identical to Jason Derulo with a little Trey Songz sprinkled in there, who like Derulo, Chris Brown and countless others, drowns in autotune in most of his tracks, and like Brown, makes very terrible "r&b" "music" with cringe-worthy and repulsive lyrics, bad autotuned whiny vocals, and horrible production. The sad thing is that, when Bellinger actually tries, similar to Derulo, he can actually make some pretty good songs like Circle of Love and Do for Love, but more often than not he insists on making Chris Brown-ish trash.

Man I swear people who think that Eric Bellinger is real r&b or that he is saving r&b obviously don't know anything about r&b, he's as bad as Chris Brown.

by Icy Wyte November 2, 2019

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erin bellinger

erin bellinger poops her pants every 5 minutes

person 1: ew what’s that smell
dylan pearce: erin bellinger probably

please publish this it would mean so much

by gurgletimmygurgle December 10, 2018

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Jack bellinger

A handsome fella, Can do 360 layups in basketball.
His dick larger then the OU

Girl: Is that Jack bellinger?

Girl 2: YES
Girl: *Ejaculates*

by Sexycorysmacker October 30, 2023

Jack Bellinger

having a really large penis

"wow Jack Gunn has a Jack Bellinger"

by Sexycorysmacker October 30, 2023