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bristol is a city in the southwest of England and the home of ket and raves. Most people go there to get smashed on a Saturday night. They have some of the best festivals, clubs and raves and the people are pretty chill too. You'll most likely find teens skating and smoking weed and uni students dressing poor.

"mate I wanna get pissed"
"lets head to bristol"

by dannydevitoslefttoe May 8, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is a city. South West of England. Populated with various types of ethnicity. Compared to other cities this is a unique one, loads of bars and clubs, pub, cinema, ice rink, rock climbing, absailing, canoeing and activities to choose from here. Although you get the odd few yobs... the yobs have to decide carefully as to who their target will be. Do not give in to these people or let them intimidate you.

Bristol is very hectic and Livley on weekends with a great atmosphere and on the weekdays a a few bars and clubs still manage to be livo!!

Outsiders to Bristol should respect the history,land, people and the ground on which they walk.

jimmy: lets travel to Bristol, get pissed, get laid, go home!

Sebastian: I would love to engage in the process of travelling to Bristol, I heard its hectic down ther.

by aches November 21, 2006

404๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best city in the world.

Despite it's chav image Bristol is one of the most up and coming cities in the UK with it's music scene etc. It's also got the highest income per head of any UK city other than London and is currently ungoing a big boom time with redevelopments all over the city.

Bristol is cooler than your city.

"Man I wish I lived in Bristol"

by ElectricBaby February 7, 2007

366๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


An unwed teen who is pregnant despite, or as a result of, receiving only abstinence-based sex education in a fundamentalist religious family.

Bristols are growing in number as the economy worsens, leaving them with fewer entertainment choices.

by Tradjazz April 21, 2009

75๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you f%#k up royally in life and get rewarded for it. Derived from Bristol Palin, a moron who turned an unplanned pregnancy into a career.

I beat up a homeless guy once, but a boxing manager saw it & I got a job! Totally bristoled that one!

by JMo1983 May 9, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small city which is divided over SW Virginia/NE Tennessee via State Street. It has a NASCAR track, and thus is the bane of many existences for a few weekends a year, because out of town race people are crazy drivers, rude customers and frequently drunk in public.

Residents frequently complain of there being nothing to do there, but this is only because they don't live in any of the surrounding towns.

Quit your bitching. Bristol is where Abingdonians go to have fun.

by maryla September 16, 2007

58๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


a big city, very yucky, but like all large English cities, wealth bilt on the slave trade, not that ne on would admit it. theres the docks, a tower and tons of satues when you find traffic cones, some crappy fountins, which mostly contain bubbles. theres a mall and also a city center, with more shops (average highstreet names)The city is broken down in to sevral areas each varing in population types and scummyness. ranging from clifton, a posh place where people love the smell of there own farts, to other areas such as southmead, which has a hospital and an average family iq of 12. Bristol is also multi cultural, thisis limited to a few choise areas, like st pauls, and east ville. there are also lots of works from isanbard kingdom brunell, and the guy who played darth vader is from southmeed.

Bristol were pirates once came from.

by missvelika July 12, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 197๐Ÿ‘Ž