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most of their fathers work at there port and nasa and have ferrari's, porsch's, corrvette's, and sti's.....mainly consists of bringing lunch to there fathers at the port while wearing a longshoremans jackert...and drriving arround a man and his girlfriend

chris goncalves aka castanza

by officer ricky5 October 5, 2009

3👍 14👎

George Castanza

An overstuffed wallet, usually filled with useless expired cards, old receipts and or cash.

Jerry: Dude your sitting on a slant
Kramer: let me move my wallet
Jerry: Whoa! Thats a George Castanza

by CrooKeD08 July 11, 2008

25👍 7👎

George Castanza

noun: a character from Seinfeld

verb: to regain a position by acting as if the end of it never happened

george castanza goes back to work as if he did not quit, thus regaining his job

by yoyoyoo June 2, 2007

41👍 17👎