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The act of having you and your friends ambush a friends Facebook Chat and making them freak out and log off.

I was on Facebook last night when my bud and I decided to spam our friends chat box, she logged off and started to freak out. Successful Chatbushing!

by itwasgoingtobe"facebushing" November 19, 2009

35👍 11👎


A sudden attack made from a concealed position against an innocent member of an online community. One is intending only a brief engagement on a social networking site or email provider, e.g. Facebook or Gmail, and one is subsequently accosted by a person of unsavory or over enthusiastic disposition via chat. The resulting conversation is neither desired nor succinct, and one cannot escape for fear of denying the chatbandit's vital need for social affirmation. Ultimately ones responses are reduced to mere letters or sounds.

chatbandit: one who chatbushes.

respectibleindividual@aol.com is merely passing through the social network

lolzorz!@shitforbrains.com: HI! so today i had like the best thing of popcorn at the movies.

respectibleindividual@aol.com: oh, that is quite exciting, i was just about to

lolzorz!@shitforbrains.com: it was so buttery it got all on my hands! has that ever hapened to you?

respectibleindividual@aol.com: mm hmm

lolzorz!@shitforbrains.com: (further unnecessary information)

respectibleindividual@aol.com: k


respectibleindividual@aol.com: god i got brutally chatbushed by that chatbandit. i expected to be on there for a few minutes, he had me by the short ones for like an hour. my responses were reduced to mere onomatopoeia!

by ramuska October 2, 2009

2👍 1👎